What is my giving style? Two considerations: Visibility & Impact

Posted on December 22, 2012 by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

This guide identifies two (among many) considerations that shape a philanthropist’s giving style. The first is the degree of visibility a donor wants (or does not want): at one end of the spectrum is the anonymous giver, and on the other end is the public advocate. The second consideration is the level of impact the donor desires: at one end is the giver who is interested in providing immediate, direct relief, and at the other is the philanthropist committed to long-term social change… Read More

Strategic plan framework (McKnight Foundation)

Posted on December 22, 2012

In 2011, the McKnight Foundation’s board and staff engaged in an external scan to consider major trends and patterns in our external context and to develop a shared sense of what these mean for our work. The foundation considered a set of three questions — What?, So What?, and Now What? — a useful discussion model to explore and reflect… Read More

Family Members on Call: Being Both Family and Staff

Posted on February 12, 2009 by Sarah Cavanaugh

If you are already family staff, if you are thinking of hiring a staff member who is family, or if you are transitioning from a family to a nonfamily staff person, this discussion is for you. The role of staff member to a family philanthropy already comes with a myriad of roles. But when the staff person is also family, there's a whole set of dynamics with both benefits and challenges… Read More

Using competitions and RFPs: Requests for proposals

Posted on November 18, 2004 by Ellen Arrick

When does it make sense to hold a grant competition or use an RFP? In addition to looking at management issues to consider along the way, this guide explores how grant makers shape competitions to serve larger strategic goals, communicate with wider audiences, create a learning community, and find ways to work with those who are not selected. Now with… Read More