What constitutes operating expenses for private foundations?

Posted on June 13, 2017 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

Operating expenses, also known as overhead, are any cost associated with operating your organization. These costs can then be divided into two subcategories, direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs can be defined as any expense that is required to develop a project. Indirect costs are expenses that are not related to the actual project. Salaries and office rent are… Read More

NCFP Nonfamily Staff Peer Network Discussion Group: Achieving Equity…How Exactly? (Call 1)

Posted on April 25, 2017 by Kelly Chopus, Kris Putnam-Walkerly, Patrick Troska

The idea of incorporating equity in philanthropy is gaining traction in the field. The reasons why may be obvious – from longstanding commitments to helping those most marginalized to recent electoral outcomes. But the how of embracing equity can prove elusive – especially when family foundations turn that equity lens inward. What does equity “look like” inside a foundation? Where… Read More

Scenario and Contingency Planning in Philanthropy

Posted on May 5, 2016 by The Bridgespan Group

Scenario and contingency planning help nonprofit leaders plan for and react to opportunities and challenges that may arise over a given time frame. They enable nonprofits to ask and answer the question, "What would we do if…?" for a variety of circumstances, taking time to consider strategic implications, identify and weigh options, and agree on trade-offs… Read More

Failure Reports: A how to guide

Posted on May 5, 2016 by Ashley Good

This document, developed by Fail Forward, is intended to support organizations who are interested in documenting and learning from their failures, and using the process as a launch point for organizational change. It is largely based on the process developed by Engineers Without Borders Canada (EWB), an organization which has been publishing its Failure Reports publicly since 2008… Read More

Advocacy and Lobbying Rules for Private Foundations

Posted on May 1, 2016 by Learn Foundation Law

The legal staff at the Packard Foundation, Gates Foundation, Hewlett Foundation and Moore Foundation developed this free, first-of-its-kind resource, which covers the basic legal rules around what staff are allowed to fund and engage in at a private foundation. It takes less than an hour to complete and features “Maya,” a new program officer that leads participants through the course. … Read More