Measuring Effectiveness as a Family Philanthropy

Posted on November 10, 2005 by Doug Bauer

While no family launches a charitable giving vehicle with the intention of spending time and resources without results, it can often be difficult to quantify or even evaluate the results of your philanthropy. Certainly every family hopes that their giving will have a positive impact on the lives of those in their communities, but how can the results of your… Read More

Alternatives to Perpetuity: A Conversation Every Foundation Should Have

Posted on October 21, 2005 by Deanne Stone

This Passages is aimed at new donors considering a limited lifespan for their foundation, existing foundations that have already set a closing date, or any family contemplating the question of perpetuity. Author Deanne Stone gives background on the perpetuity vs. spending down debate and discusses the motivations for considering an alternative to perpetuity. The paper then identifies the basic challenges… Read More

When projects flounder

Posted on November 18, 2004 by William Ryan

What warning signs might alert you that a project is floundering? In this guide, grant makers recount their experiences with troubled projects and tell how they responded – or how they wish they’d responded. With the benefit of hindsight, veterans describe what they learned and offer advice on the most effective and timely way to handle distress signals… Read More

Using competitions and RFPs: Requests for proposals

Posted on November 18, 2004 by Ellen Arrick

When does it make sense to hold a grant competition or use an RFP? In addition to looking at management issues to consider along the way, this guide explores how grant makers shape competitions to serve larger strategic goals, communicate with wider audiences, create a learning community, and find ways to work with those who are not selected. Now with… Read More

Unlocking The Power Of The Proxy

Posted on October 22, 2004 by Conrad MacKerron

There is no such thing to my mind . . . as an innocent stockholder. He may be innocent in fact, but socially he cannot be held innocent. He accepts the benefits of the system. It is his business and his obligation to see that those who represent him carry out a policy which is consistent with the public welfare… Read More

Investment policy statement with focus on socially responsible investing (Needmor Fund)

Posted on April 15, 2004 by Needmor Fund

An investment policy with a special focus on socially responsible investing. From the policy’s introduction: We believe that a foundation lives out its mission and values not only through the organizations it supports, but also by how it uses its assets. Mission related investing is an investment process that considers the social and environmental consequences of investments in addition to… Read More