Strategic plan framework (McKnight Foundation)

Posted on December 22, 2012

In 2011, the McKnight Foundation’s board and staff engaged in an external scan to consider major trends and patterns in our external context and to develop a shared sense of what these mean for our work. The foundation considered a set of three questions — What?, So What?, and Now What? — a useful discussion model to explore and reflect… Read More

Impact Investing and Family Philanthropy: a One-Two Punch

Posted on July 12, 2012 by Julia Balandina Jaquier

Interest in impact investing among wealth holders, their foundations, and family offices continues to grow. As a means for providing capital to for-profit ventures with a social mission, impact investing is increasingly viewed as an effective solution for combining the philanthropic aspirations of wealthy families with their financial objectives… Read More

Great Grants: Cook Family Foundation

Posted on June 25, 2012

Tom Cook of the Cook Family Foundation shares his great grant story that sparked the foundation’s strong commitment to early childhood programs. Thanks to the Council of Michigan Foundations for sharing this video from their “Great Grants” member profile series.  … Read More