Fast Forward to Greater Impact: The Power of Field Scans

Posted on July 24, 2013 by Christine Sherry

Field scans are emerging as a core tool for family funders inundated by increasingly larger numbers of nonprofits seeking funding, the ubiquity of social media pitches, and an almost limitless amount of data available on the web—data which can be more overwhelming than useful. Field scans are particularly valuable for family foundations that want to try a new strategy, find… Read More

A guide to risk taking at NYSHealth

Posted on July 15, 2013

In April 2011, a group of staff from the NYSHealth Foundation met and considered the topic of risk taking in their grantmaking. This checklist was developed for staff to more systematically assess the potential level of risk when evaluating a proposal or project. To learn more about tht thinking behind this checklist, see the June 5, 2013 iarticle, “Nothing Ventured?… Read More

The Rockefeller Foundation’s Program-Related Investments Portfolio

Posted on July 8, 2013 by Arabella Advisors

From the Executive Summary: The Rockefeller Foundation’s Program-Related Investments (PRIs) have generated modest financial returns for the Foundation, contributed to investees’ financial sus- tainability and generated positive social returns on a variety of fronts. Individual invest- ments have helped organizations promote asset ownership, extend access to products and services on more equitable terms and in new ways to previously excluded… Read More

Share the Power

Posted on July 3, 2013 by Center for Effective Philanthropy

Funders alone cannot achieve the change we hope to see without the knowledge, expertise and muscle of our collective grantees—just as our grantees cannot implement without funders. We are in a symbiotic relationship, and we should be happy about that. We can work together to achieve our mutual goals, but to do so, we—the funders—need to share the power. When… Read More

Disaster Philanthropy: the Role of Family Giving in Preparedness, Response and Recovery

Posted on June 13, 2013 by Barbara Andersen, Lois Mitchell, Lori Bertman, Regine A. Webster

Usually, disasters bring out the best in people. Donations to charities surge as television coverage increases. Government agencies work closely with non-profit organizations, private philanthropy, and corporations. Yet we know from experience that both coordination and effective spending of donor dollars is a particular challenge, not just while the disaster is underway, but also in the long-term, as rebuilding begins… Read More

No Cost Extension Policy

Posted on May 7, 2013 by Anonymous

Sample language for extending the time required to complete goals of a grant: A no cost extension formally authorizes you to take more time to complete the original purposes of your grant. Please contact your grant team if you would like to request a no cost extension. … Read More

Budget Modification Policy

Posted on May 7, 2013 by Anonymous

Sample policy for modifying a grants budget: We understand that changes in your grant budget may occur after your grant has been approved. You may modify the approved grant budget to reflect actual costs without the prior written consent of the foundation, so long as the modification falls under one the following categories: the change does not change any budget… Read More

Family Foundations May Advocate

Posted on April 15, 2013 by Alliance for Justice

Family foundations may participate in many forms of advocacy activities and may fund advocacy. Although family foundations do incur a prohibitive tax on any lobbying expenditure, lobbying is only one type of advocacy and there are many permissible advocacy avenues for private family foundations. This short paper from Alliance for Justice provides a quick and helpful overview of the rules… Read More

Community Connections: Place-Based Family Philanthropy

Posted on April 11, 2013 by Reginald Jones, Valerie Jacobs Hapke

While some families pay particular attention to the family’s legacy of giving, and some focus on a particular issue or cause, many choose to limit their grantmaking to a specific city, state or region. Hometown serves as both the family’s sense of place and commitment. Gratitude to a supportive community and a desire to give back mean developing giving interests along geographic lines… Read More

What is my giving style? Two considerations: Visibility & Impact

Posted on December 22, 2012 by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

This guide identifies two (among many) considerations that shape a philanthropist’s giving style. The first is the degree of visibility a donor wants (or does not want): at one end of the spectrum is the anonymous giver, and on the other end is the public advocate. The second consideration is the level of impact the donor desires: at one end is the giver who is interested in providing immediate, direct relief, and at the other is the philanthropist committed to long-term social change… Read More