A Guide to Actionable Measurement

Posted on January 30, 2010

This guide provides a basis for a common understanding of results measurement at the Gates Foundation. The guide uses the term ‘measurement’ to refer to indicator monitoring, evaluation, as well as long-term impact tracking, and is intended to inform choices about measurement within funder strategies… Read More

Logic Models: Not Just for Big Foundations Anymore

Posted on January 4, 2010 by Erica V. Ekwurzel

Logic modeling is popular with large foundations, but has not been embraced by many of the smaller ones. One reason is that foundations with few or no staff fear that producing one is complicated and time consuming. It doesn’t have to be. And it can be a crucial tool for small asset foundations looking to make sustained impact, as explained… Read More

The nonprofit starvation cycle

Posted on October 1, 2009 by Ann Goggins Gregory, Don Howard

A vicious cycle is leaving nonprofits so hungry for general operating support for decent infrastructure that they can barely function as organizations—let alone serve their beneficiaries. The cycle starts with funders’ unrealistic expectations about how much running a nonprofit costs, and results in nonprofits’ misrepresenting their costs while skimping on vital systems—acts that feed funders’ skewed beliefs. … Read More

Family Foundations as Agents of Change

Posted on September 4, 2009 by Jeffrey M. Glebocki, Joann Ricci

We often hear media reports on the contributions and impact of super-sized grants and mega-foundations. But data and experience tells us it’s the presence and consistency of small- and medium-sized family foundations that provide much of the fuel for nonprofit organizations in our communities. Family foundations are uniquely positioned to serve as leaders in community problem-solving. Because their board members… Read More

Families Step Up to Meet Economic Crisis

Posted on September 4, 2009 by Joseph Foote

The recession that began in 2008 caused philanthropic assets for most families to decline sharply. Program plans for 2009 and 2010 were disrupted, forcing many philanthropic families to cancel new initiatives, respond to pleas from longstanding grantees about cash shortfalls, and swing rapidly toward support of basic human needs. Families who operate foundations, donor-advised funds, and other formal giving vehicles… Read More

Logic Models: How They Can Increase Your Impact

Posted on April 2, 2009 by Janet Harman, Kristin Brewer

Logic modeling has been embraced by some large foundations, but has not been as popular with smaller ones because the process may seem overly complicated. The KDK-Harman Foundation, a $20 million family foundation in Austin, Texas, believes use of logic models—a systematic, visual way to present a plan with its underlying assumptions and theoretical framework—is even more crucial for small foundations seeking to make sustained impact… Read More