Navigating Leadership Transitions in Family Philanthropy

Posted on June 12, 2014 by Virginia M. Esposito, Betsy Brill, Dean Phillips, Dinaz Mansuri, Patrick Troska

Every family philanthropy experiences the joy, the sadness, the complexity, and the energy of transitions. Moving toward new leadership in the family can be difficult, emotional, and sometimes frustrating. However, when it is done deliberately and thoughtfully, these times of transition can also be positive for all involved. … Read More

Great Grants: R.E. Olds Foundation

Posted on May 24, 2014 by Council of Michigan Foundations

Diana Tarpoff, president of the R.E. Olds Foundation, talks about her favorite "great grant" - support for Annie's Big Nature Lesson at the Woldumar Nature Center in Lansing. Thanks to the Council of Michigan Foundations for sharing this video from their "Great Grants" member profile series… Read More

Giving in challenging times

Posted on May 24, 2014 by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Huge economic change may seem to call for a dramatic change in giving strategy. But thoughtful philanthropists rarely panic. In fact, they often see changing circumstances as a chance to take a fresh look at their approach—reviewing their giving; recalibrating their priorities and methods; and recommitting to a long-term giving strategy (if appropriate)… Read More

How shortcuts cut us short: Cognitive traps in philanthropic decision making

Posted on May 24, 2014 by Center for Evaluation Innovation, The MasterCard Foundation

Cognitive traps can hinder any decision a foundation makes about its strategies. This includes how to construct a theory of change to address it, and which grantees are best suited to do the work. It also includes decisions made during implementation, such as whether strategy adjustments are needed or whether to renew funding for certain activities or grantees… Read More

Finding Your Focus in Philanthropy

Posted on May 24, 2014 by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Many people come to philanthropy with their focus fully formed. They know what issues they want to take on, what they hope to achieve, and where they want their giving directed. For others, the process of choosing how to allocate their resources can be daunting — especially given the enormous range of opportunities… Read More

Launching your own major project

Posted on May 24, 2014 by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Philanthropic entrepreneurs thrive when building a new program or organization, or making a lead gift in a campaign they champion. But there are also funders who catalyze significant new projects without becoming donor-operators or becoming public spokespeople for their cause. In this sense, the key to a successful major project is largely dependent on the depth of a donor’s engagement… Read More

Impact Investing: An Introduction

Posted on May 24, 2014 by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

For many years philanthropy and investing have been thought of as separate disciplines — one championing social change, the other financial gain. The idea that the two approaches could be integrated in the same deals — in essence, delivering a financial return while doing good — struck most philanthropists and most investors as far-fetched… Read More

Funding Locally

Posted on May 24, 2014 by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Local philanthropy has a long and impressive history. Individuals have given to help communities where they feel a special connection over many generations. And community foundations have for decades epitomized the potential to build nonprofit capacity and philanthropy in a particular area… Read More