Finding Your Focus in Philanthropy

Posted on May 24, 2014 by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Many people come to philanthropy with their focus fully formed. They know what issues they want to take on, what they hope to achieve, and where they want their giving directed. For others, the process of choosing how to allocate their resources can be daunting — especially given the enormous range of opportunities… Read More

Giving in challenging times

Posted on May 24, 2014 by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Huge economic change may seem to call for a dramatic change in giving strategy. But thoughtful philanthropists rarely panic. In fact, they often see changing circumstances as a chance to take a fresh look at their approach—reviewing their giving; recalibrating their priorities and methods; and recommitting to a long-term giving strategy (if appropriate)… Read More

Giving That Gets Results: SSIR x Bridgespan series on adaptive philanthropy

Posted on April 8, 2014 by Alison Powell, Susan Wolf Ditkoff

Adaptive philanthropy is one of the more interesting developments in the field of philanthropy. Over the course of eight weeks in the late fall of 2013, SSIR and Bridgespan presented Giving That Gets Results ( philanthropy), a series of blogs, videos, and webinars that explored adaptive philanthropy, and other important approaches to philanthropy. … Read More

Positive Tracks: A Story of Generation Next Philanthropy

Posted on February 15, 2014 by Gioia C. Perugini, Nini Meyer

[Photo: Youth gather at the beginning of a Postive Tracks fundraising race.] Much has been written about the “next generation” and its integration into family philanthropy. How will they get involved? Will their philanthropic initiatives look different from those of their parents and grandparents? What tools and resources can help them be most effective? Nini Meyer was raised in a… Read More

Telling your story to maximize community impact

Posted on February 13, 2014 by Jay Ruderman, Kate Wolford, Lora Smith, Vince Stehle

Have you thought about using Twitter or google hangouts but aren’t sure if it is a good use of your time? Have you been approached by a long-time grantee who has an idea to create a film dedicated to highlighting their cause – and wondering if this is a good use of your philanthropic dollars? Have you been told to have a website but not sure it is worth the bother? Are you interested in learning how to leverage the reputation of the foundation in the twittersphere to make a difference in issues you care about?… Read More

Making a difference: Evaluating your philanthropy

Posted on January 30, 2014 by Ellen Remmer

“I want to make a difference” This simple statement often sums up the motivating impulse for both sophisticated and beginning philanthropists. However, most donors soon learn that it is very difficult to measure the results of charitable activity. Donors who come to philanthropy from business careers often expect to measure nonprofit performance by the rigorous, quantitative measures used in the corporate sector, and are surprised by the resistance to such metrics in the world of philanthropy and “social investment.”… Read More

A Legacy Lives On: The Kaplan Family Foundation’s Successful Leadership Transition

Posted on December 18, 2013 by Dinaz Mansuri, Mollie Bunis

[Photo: Members of the next generation of the Kaplan family gather to discuss strategy.] Ask any family member and they are usually able to identify the current family leader. This is the person around whom everyone gathers; the person who takes responsibility for family networking, intervenes in family disputes, reminds others of the family’s history and generally serves as the… Read More