A Case Study in Impact Investing

Posted on May 30, 2017 by Ariella Rotenberg

The case study explores the Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s mission-aligned and impact investing strategies. This is the first in a series of case studies on pioneer impact investors produced by The ImPact. The purpose of these case studies is to offer actionable insights that families can use as they work to align their investments and their values. While every family is… Read More

Have a Mission to Preserve a Vision

Posted on May 9, 2017 by Mark Neithercut

An effective mission statement can help further many objectives for a family foundation, including helping to preserve and protect the vision of the founding philanthropist. Yet the importance of mission has been largely ignored by foundation experts and philanthropy pundits over the last 10 years. … Read More

Cultivating Nonprofit Leadership

Posted on May 9, 2017 by Niki Jagpal, Ryan Schlegel

Leadership development is an integral component of any work that seeks to address long-standing structural barriers to sustainable change. We cannot succeed without substantial investments in leadership at the grassroots level, specifically among groups working to address rigid structural barriers to equity and creating sustainable change. … Read More

“Pretty Good Tools” for Collaboration, Strategy, and Partnership

Posted on May 1, 2017 by Audrey Haberman, Lisa Galaites

If you’re a philanthropy practitioner — staff member or trustee — these tools should be useful. The Giving Practice works with foundations and philanthropy organizations of all types and sizes, and they hear common questions and dilemmas. The Giving Practice's consultants are developed Pretty Good Tools to help you with the more challenging aspects of your job… Read More

International Grantmaking: Funding with a Global View

Posted on May 1, 2017 by GrantCraft

In this guide, grantmakers describe the benefits and challenges of bringing a global perspective to their work. The guide explains the regulations that govern cross-border grantmaking and shares the experiences of funders who have coped with working across geographic and cultural divides. It also weighs the merits of working through intermediaries and funding directly outside the United States… Read More

NCFP Nonfamily Staff Peer Network Discussion Group: Achieving Equity…How Exactly? (Call 1)

Posted on April 25, 2017 by Kelly Chopus, Kris Putnam-Walkerly, Patrick Troska

The idea of incorporating equity in philanthropy is gaining traction in the field. The reasons why may be obvious – from longstanding commitments to helping those most marginalized to recent electoral outcomes. But the how of embracing equity can prove elusive – especially when family foundations turn that equity lens inward. What does equity “look like” inside a foundation? Where… Read More

Creating a Culture of Respect in Philanthropy

Posted on February 1, 2017 by Kris Putnam-Walkerly

There is a lot of talk in philanthropy about organizational culture in foundations. Some foundations fall into the trap of promoting a culture of disrespect when it comes to the way they deal with grantees, consultant partners, and even themselves. Fortunately, for every example of disrespect in philanthropy, there are many examples of what respectful philanthropy can look like… Read More