What should my foundation consider when reviewing a request for a capital grant?

Posted on June 14, 2017 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

While capital grants are technically just one aspect or component of a robust grantmaking strategy, there are a few questions and considerations that are unique to capital grants. There are campaign considerations like a strong fundraising strategy, building considerations like effective design, and evaluation processes. The Eckerd Foundation has provided their guidelines and a discussion paper as an sample model as… Read More

NCFP Nonfamily Staff Peer Network Discussion Group: Achieving Equity…How Exactly? (Call 2)

Posted on June 13, 2017 by Kelly Chopus, Kris Putnam-Walkerly, Patrick Troska

The idea of incorporating equity in philanthropy is gaining traction in the field. The reasons why may be obvious – from longstanding commitments to helping those most marginalized to recent electoral outcomes. But the how of embracing equity can prove elusive – especially when family foundations turn that equity lens inward. What does equity “look like” inside a foundation? Where… Read More

What constitutes operating expenses for private foundations?

Posted on June 13, 2017 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

Operating expenses, also known as overhead, are any cost associated with operating your organization. These costs can then be divided into two subcategories, direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs can be defined as any expense that is required to develop a project. Indirect costs are expenses that are not related to the actual project. Salaries and office rent are… Read More

Should our foundation focus on being “strategic” or “responsive” in our grantmaking?

Posted on June 9, 2017 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

When your board approves a grant, you are hoping and expecting that your philanthropic investment will make a significant impact. In order to become an effective grantmaker, your giving should always align with the core beliefs of your foundation. Beyond this, there are two common approaches that boards take when considering how to allocate the foundation’s resources: strategic or responsive. … Read More