The Giving Journey: Guiding New Donors to Actualized Philanthropy

Posted on February 2, 2018 by Open Impact

What motivates newly wealthy individuals and families to give? What barriers do they face in their giving? And how can we help these donors give more, more intentionally and effectively? In the report, “The Giving Journey: Guiding New Donors to Actualized Philanthropy,” we examine these questions critical to understanding and amplifying individual giving. The report is based on conversations with… Read More

Leveraging Small Grants for Big Impact

Posted on December 14, 2017 by Kenji Treanor, Patricia Douglas, Shirley Fredricks, Carmela Castellano-Garcia

Domino effect. Snowballing. Chain reaction. Ripple effect. Reverberation. There are plenty of ways to describe this simple truth: small actions can have big results. This webinar will feature the stories of foundations that have created out-sized impact with their relatively small grants. Whether it’s health care, education, or the environment, the foundations and funds featured in this webinar have harnessed… Read More

The Step-by-Step Guide to Evaluation

Posted on December 5, 2017 by W.K. Kellogg Foundation

The evaluation profession is multi-faceted and can be characterized partly by its theoretical debates, ethical considerations and proprietary interests. What is evaluation and how can it help your organization? This handbook is designed to demystify evaluation and help you get the most out of evaluation for your organization… Read More