Private Philanthropy for Development

Posted on April 20, 2018 by The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development

Philanthropy’s role in advancing sustainable development attracts a lot of attention. This report calls into question long-held assumptions about the volume, nature and potential of foundations’ engagement in developing countries, and the role they can play to support the SDGs. It presents ground-breaking data and analysis that capture previously non-existent global and comparable quantitative and qualitative data on how foundations… Read More

Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2017

Posted on April 13, 2018 by Lucy Bernholz

Philanthropy and the Social Economy: Blueprint 2017 is an annual industry forecast about the ways we use private resources for public benefit. Each year, the Blueprint provides an overview of the current landscape, points to major trends, and directs your attention to horizons where you can expect some important breakthroughs in the coming year… Read More

Choosing Your Impact Investment Advisor

Posted on March 27, 2018 by Brad Harrison, Stephanie Cohn Rupp

Aligning your financial assets with your values in a holistic way most often requires intermediaries and advisors, or what is sometimes referred to as the "artisans of impact." This chapter from "The Impact Assets Handbook for Investors" offers an overview of the vast landscape of resources available. … Read More