Can young people (under the age of 18) legally serve on our board?

Posted on June 20, 2013 by Youth on Board

“Three states have laws supporting youth board involvement – Michigan, Minnesota, and New York.  Forty states have laws that are silent on youth board involvement, meaning that the laws say nothing explicitly regulating or prohibiting involvement based on age.  Seven states prohibit youth board involvement – Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Utah.  Members of boards must be… Read More

Igniting the Spark: Creating Effective Next Gen Boards

Posted on June 17, 2013 by Andrea Hernandez Rodriguez, Katie Marcus Reker, Kevin Laskowski

This Passages Issue Brief introduces an increasingly popular method for preparing the next generation for philanthropic service: the next generation or junior board. The paper covers the variety of purposes for establishing next generation boards and how they are typically structured, explores how foundations use next generation boards as a tool for engaging younger family members, and describes options for preparing younger family members for governance and grantmaking… Read More

Disaster Philanthropy: the Role of Family Giving in Preparedness, Response and Recovery

Posted on June 13, 2013 by Barbara Andersen, Lois Mitchell, Lori Bertman, Regine A. Webster

Usually, disasters bring out the best in people. Donations to charities surge as television coverage increases. Government agencies work closely with non-profit organizations, private philanthropy, and corporations. Yet we know from experience that both coordination and effective spending of donor dollars is a particular challenge, not just while the disaster is underway, but also in the long-term, as rebuilding begins… Read More

Adding nonfamily trustees and community voices to your family foundation board

Posted on March 14, 2013 by Adam Gibbons, Alan Fox, Diane Kaplan, Katherine Weaver, Richard Moore

What are the signs that your foundation’s board might benefit from adding a community leader to bring new energy and a fresh voice to board deliberations and decisions? Some family foundations have never had an outside trustee on the board and don’t want one. Others have had non-family trustees since their inception—either a friend or business associate of the founder, a trusted lawyer or accountant, or a program expert or local community leader respected by the family… Read More