Can We Accept Complimentary Tickets?

Posted on January 9, 2015 by Andrew Schulz

Complimentary tickets are fine. The real issue here is: are they really complimentary, or is it a quid pro quo? Generally, if there’s a good foundation reason to be there, in particular being recognized, you can go. … Read More

From the Start: Questions for Donors and Family Members

Posted on January 9, 2015 by Charles Hamilton

Donors often seek effective ways to involve other family members from the start. Heirs, meanwhile, look for ways to appropriately honor the legacy of the donor(s). There are many questions and issues likely to be considered by both the donor and future generations. (Source: Living the Legacy: The Values of a Family’s Philanthropy Across Generations, NCFP, 2001) Questions for the… Read More

Code of ethics (Hudson Webber Foundation)

Posted on December 18, 2014

The Hudson-Webber Foundation commits to integrity in our actions and responsibility for our decisions and their consequences. We are committed to act honestly, truthfully and with integrity in all our transactions and dealings. We are committed to the appropriate handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest in our relationships. We are committed to treat our grantees fairly and to… Read More

May Our Board Pay a Disqualified Person for Services Such as Portfolio Management?

Posted on December 11, 2014 by Andrew Schulz

May our board pay someone for portfolio management if they are an employee of a company owned or led by a board member and direct descendant of the foundation’s father? Yes, even if the individual being employed to do that work is a disqualified person, paying someone reasonable and necessary compensation to manage the assets of the foundation, regardless of… Read More

Is it Self-Dealing to Give a Grant to a Specific Child’s Tuition?

Posted on December 11, 2014 by Andrew Schulz

A trustee wants to give a grant for their child to attend a private school. The trustee then instructs the school, a legal 501(c)(3), to apply to the foundation for a scholarship grant that will be applied to the specific child’s tuition. Is this self- dealing? This is self-dealing. You’re absolutely prohibited from making a payment that would be earmarked… Read More

Toeing the Line: Legal Pitfalls in Family Foundation Governance

Posted on December 11, 2014 by Andrew Schulz

Should we accept those tickets to the opening of the new local theater that just arrived in the mail? Can our family office charge our foundation for rent? Is it o.k. for us to pay Uncle Bob to manage the foundation’s investment portfolio? Can we make a grant to our family's donor advised fund to help make year-end payout requirements? … Read More

Are There Any Regulations on Gifts That Are Accepted by Family Members?

Posted on December 11, 2014 by Andrew Schulz

Are there any regulations on gifts that are accepted by family members? Should we not accept restricted gifts, for instance? You have to be careful about closely held business interests because of the restrictions on self- dealing and who you can sell them back to. There are no laws that explicitly prohibit certain gifts. Restrictions, if they’re for a particular… Read More

Can a Family Member Personally Contribute to a Foundation Pledge?

Posted on December 11, 2014 by Andrew Schulz

Absolutely. There are no rules about what family members can do to support the foundation’s work. So, if the foundation has pledged $10 million to Duke University to build a new basketball stadium, and that is clearly a binding pledge on the foundation, a family member may call up the school and says, “I was going to do this out… Read More