Family Foundations Consultants Guide

Posted on June 29, 2015 by Mary Phillips

Adapting existing research on the organizational life-cycle framework and working from a sample of foundations provided by the National Center for Family Philanthropy, GMA Foundations teamed with Brandeis University’s Sillerman Center for the Advancement of Philanthropy to conduct a pilot study to understand how planning ahead at each stage could help the foundations anticipate and prepare for likely milestones. The… Read More

George Family Foundation: Responsibilities of the Board Chair

Posted on June 19, 2015 by George Family Foundation

Oversee fulfillment of the mission and goals of the foundation: Make sure GFF is serving society effectively and fulfilling its strategic and organizational goals Periodically revisit the mission, operating principles, “Constitution” of the GFF Be a spokesperson with influential audiences in focus areas of key interest Engage with activities that involve promoting the GFF “brand” (PR, written materials, etc.) Regularly… Read More

Code of ethics (sample)

Posted on June 19, 2015

__________ Foundation, Inc. (the “Organization”) seeks to integrate the personal style and flexibility of a charitable endeavor with the best practices of the nonprofit community. With this goal in mind, the following standards have been adopted to guide the directors, officers, and employees in their conduct of all Organization business. The Mission of the Organization: Catalyzing the economic development of… Read More

Can the Foundation Reimburse Expenses for a Family Gathering That Takes Place During a Board Meeting?

Posted on June 5, 2015 by Andras Kosaras

A foundation may only incur expenses for meetings/events that are related to carrying out its exempt purposes (including reasonable and necessary administrative expenses).  If a board member wants to invite all board and family members to a family event, the foundation may only reimburse the board member for the expenses incurred if the event is for the purposes of the… Read More