R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation Trustee Responsibilities

Posted on August 20, 2015 by Jr. Foundation, The R. Howard Dobbs Jr. Foundation

R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation Trustee Responsibilities ARTICLE THREE Board of Trustees 3.1 Authority and Responsibility of the Board of Trustees. (a) The supreme authority of the Foundation and the government and management of the affairs of the Foundation shall be vested in the Board of Trustees; and all the powers, duties, and functions of the Foundation conferred by the… Read More

Passing the “Mirror Test”: Ethics and family philanthropy

Posted on August 13, 2015 by Michael Rion

Your family’s philanthropic values – your sense of stewardship, your personal commitments and interests, and your desire to foster charitable impulses in your children and future generations – are the foundation of your family’s philanthropy.  Articulating and discussing values on a regular basis is part of ethically responsible giving. … Read More

General Policy on Self-Dealing (Anonymous Family Foundation)

Posted on August 10, 2015 by Anonymous

The Foundation will not knowingly engage in any “self dealing” activity. Self-dealing is any “prohibited financial transaction” between The Foundation and a “disqualified person.” 1. Prohibited Financial Transactions a. The sale, exchange or leasing or property (such as purchasing stationery, supplies, printing, graphic design or insurance from a disqualified person). b. The lending of money or the extension of credit… Read More

Investment Committee Job Description (Lipscomb Family Foundation)

Posted on August 10, 2015 by Anonymous

The Investment Committee is responsible for the oversight of the Foundation assets. The Committee is comprised of three members selected from the Board. The Committee is responsible for defining the investment objectives and policies for the Foundation’s assets, subject to the overall guidelines set forth in this Policy. It is expected that the objectives and policies described in the investment… Read More

Code of Conduct policy sample

Posted on August 7, 2015 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

____________ Foundation Code of Conduct   1. Preamble To ensure that The _______ Foundation fulfills its mission and pursues its vision in an exemplary manner and in accordance with its beliefs and the highest standards of ethical conduct, the Board of Directors has adopted this Code of Conduct. This Code should be read with the Foundation’s mission, vision and beliefs… Read More

Conflict of Interest Policy Template

Posted on August 7, 2015 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

This Policy is to protect the interests of The ______ Foundation by: (i) preventing the personal interest of Members, Directors, Officers, Employees or Independent Contractors from interfering with the performance of their duties to the Foundation and (ii) avoiding any inappropriate personal financial, professional or political gain on the part of such persons at the expense of the Foundation. … Read More

Statement of Director Expectations

Posted on August 7, 2015

As members of the Board of Directors of The ____________ Foundation, we recognize and confirm our fiduciary obligations to the Foundation. We have ultimate authority and responsibility for the Foundation’s strategies, policies, procedures and operations. As part of this responsibility, we have established expectations for the members of the Board. In keeping with our fiduciary duty, we commit ourselves to… Read More

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund: Executive Committee Charter policy

Posted on August 7, 2015

Bylaws, Article VIII, Section (a) states:There shall be an executive committee of the Board consisting of the chair and up to seven but no less than six other trustees elected by the vote of a majority of the entire Board at the annual meeting each year. The chair of the executive committee shall be the chair of the Board. A… Read More

Understanding Rsk Tolerance in Grantmaking

Posted on July 22, 2015 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

Understanding decision-making patterns is the first step toward improving them. We know that despite best efforts to act rationally, human tendencies to avoid risk and loss while seeking certainty and gain can impact sensible decision-making. Research has demonstrated this phenomenon across many facets of our society—including finance, consumer products, and even golf. Given our professional and personal interest in the… Read More