What are the roles of board committees?

Posted on June 20, 2017 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

Board committees are at the heart of good governance. Committee members should make the necessary decisions and provide the day-to-day oversight needed to ensure that a family foundation board follows its fiduciary and legal obligations. Refer to Policy Central: Board Commitees for examples of how to organize your foundation’s committees. Once board roles have been established, you should then determine how you… Read More

What should my foundation consider when reviewing a request for a capital grant?

Posted on June 14, 2017 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

While capital grants are technically just one aspect or component of a robust grantmaking strategy, there are a few questions and considerations that are unique to capital grants. There are campaign considerations like a strong fundraising strategy, building considerations like effective design, and evaluation processes. The Eckerd Foundation has provided their guidelines and a discussion paper as an sample model as… Read More

Opportunity of a Lifetime 2.0: Multigenerational Family Philanthropy

Posted on June 12, 2017 by Kylie Musolf, Danielle LaJoie

More than ever before, giving families are working to involve multiple generations in their philanthropy. According to the National Center for Family Philanthropy’s Trends in Family Philanthropy Study, nearly 3 in 5 U.S. family foundations engage younger family members in the foundation — and more than 40 percent say they expect to add to or increase the number of younger-generation… Read More