Making Space at The Table: Welcoming New Voices to Your Family Giving

Posted on July 12, 2018 by Katy Rees, Joel Luedtke, Justin Maxson, Michael Brunker, Valerie Jacobs Hapke, Katie Scott

There are so many ways to welcome new voices into your family giving to enhance your own giving and family impact. Having others engaged can enhance diversity, inclusion, help your own family, and introduce new ideas and perspectives for impact. Hear from families who have found creative ways to engage non-family board members, the next generation, and community input. Leave… Read More

Nonprofit Diversity Efforts: Current Practices and the Role of Foundations

Posted on July 1, 2018 by Center for Effective Philanthropy

Several faces are enclosed in circular portraits and connected by lines, making a web of connections
Based on survey responses of 205 leaders of nonprofit organizations with annual expenses between $100,000 and $100 million, Nonprofit Diversity Efforts: Current Practices and the Role of Foundations provides a collection of data on topics such as how diversity relates to the work of nonprofits and what demographic information nonprofits and funders alike are collecting — and how that information is used… Read More

From Words to Action: a Practical Philanthropic Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Posted on May 1, 2018 by Barbara Chow

As communities worldwide are becoming more diverse, they are increasingly tackling the realities of systemic inequity. Philanthropy too must acknowledge its place in the context of transformative demographic changes. Addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has been an ongoing challenge within philanthropy, and while there has been progress, it requires continual work. This GrantCraft leadership series paper by Barbara Chow… Read More

Putting Racism on the Table Video Series

Posted on April 13, 2018 by Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers

The term “racism” is powerful. It evokes images of the past, a time of black and white newsreels and overt, often violent, acts. The racism of today is subtle, often historically embedded in our institutions and sometimes presenting in biases of which we are unaware. In 2016, the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers launched Putting Racism on the Table, a learning… Read More

2018 Trustee Education Institute: The Signature Seminar for Family Foundation Board Members

Posted on March 6, 2018 by Virginia M. Esposito, Andrew Schulz, David Grant, Hanh Le, Holli Rivera, Alice Buhl, Leticia Peguero, Lindsey Griffith, Mary Phillips, Nat Chioke Williams

NCFP’s Trustee Education Institute provides a comprehensive introduction to all of the key legal, investment, ethical, grantmaking, and family dynamics issues facing family foundation board members. Featuring a faculty made up of NCFP’s senior staff and highly respected philanthropy experts, this three day, intensive seminar typically covers: What does it mean to be a steward of both the public’s trust… Read More

Recommended Best Practices in Managing Foundation Endowments

Posted on November 29, 2017 by Council on Foundations

While foundations differ in sophistication, resources, staff, and amount of financial resources, there are both specific responsibilities incumbent on foundation boards and generally accepted principles for investment management. These best practices are universal to effective management of investment portfolios as applied to fit the specific circumstances of each foundation… Read More

Social Justice Toolkit for Young People

Posted on November 28, 2017 by Andrus Family Philanthropy Program

Created by the Andrus Family Philanthropy Program, the goal of this interactive toolkit is to inspire and cultivate the next generation of social justice philanthropy leaders. By completing modules that cover topics such as racial equity, oppressive systems, and philanthropic traditions, young people will acquire the tools they need to create a more just future. CLICK HERE to explore and… Read More