Mobilizing Change: Scenario Planning and Choice Making for a Better Future

Posted on April 27, 2020 by Alexander “Zander” Grashow

seven doors in a room - decision making and choices
NCFP has invited Zander Grashow to share some of the ideas, tools, and practices to help guide us through this adaptive chapter of our collective history. This two-part series will include content sharing, small group time with peers, large group reflections and Q&A. Attendance is not mandatory for both sessions, but together, they certainly build a more coherent set of… Read More

Intro to Adaptive Leadership: Leading in Times of Great Change

Posted on April 27, 2020 by Alexander “Zander” Grashow

four paper boats with a red boat leading the way
NCFP has invited Zander Grashow to share some of the ideas, tools, and practices to help guide us through this adaptive chapter of our collective history. This two-part series will include content sharing, small group time with peers, large group reflections and Q&A. Attendance is not mandatory for both sessions, but together, they certainly build a more coherent set of… Read More

Community Foundations Network Topical Call: Responses to DAF Grants and the Issue of Hate in Charitable Work

Posted on March 24, 2020 by Sutton Mora Hayes, Andrea Minadakis, Alix Derby Salkin, Whitney Feld

Arrow pointing both directions in desert
Community foundations across the country have initiated a variety of responses to the issue of hate in charitable work and DAF grants. Some foundations support donors regardless of the grantee, while some have chosen to screen grants and others have even created public policies. Regardless of the foundation’s policy, your peer foundations have made tough choices and engaged in relevant… Read More

2020 Trustee Education Institute

Posted on December 22, 2019 by Christopher Fletcher, Jennifer Davis, Robin Snidow, Kathleen Simpson, Laura Collins, Paul Liu, Greg Ratliff, Tamara Larsen, Dana Lanza, Shaady Salehi

past TEI attendees
Attendees, please visit the event website for the most up-to-date agenda and Zoom links. The website passcode was emailed to all registrants. NCFP’s Trustee Education Institute provides a comprehensive introduction to important legal, investment, ethical, grantmaking, and family dynamics issues facing family foundation board members. Featuring a faculty made up of donors, board members, and highly respected philanthropy experts, this… Read More

Good Governance: Basic Rules For Governing A Family Foundation

Posted on October 24, 2019 by Robert H. Hull

Once the donor has determined the most appropriate giving mechanism, such as a private foundation, the board of trustees begins to play a role in governance. Usually with the guidance of the donor, the board sets policy for managing foundation affairs, investing the endowment's portfolio, and making grants… Read More