Strategic Lifespan Peer Network: The Final Chapter

Posted on January 28, 2019 by Barbara Kibbe, Lois Mitchell

The Final Chapter: Planning for a Smooth Conclusion Remote Learning: A Discussion Held Via Video Chat & Phone Spending up or leaving a legacy? As your foundation plans for your strategic and limited lifespan, do you plan to support organizations with legacy grants or an endowment for specific causes your family or fund may have founded? How do you honor… Read More

Community Foundation Spark Session: Business Models for Family Philanthropy Services

Posted on January 26, 2019 by Christine Dawson, Ann Engelhard, Tony Macklin

This is NCFP’s third annual deep dive into business models for more intensive community foundation services to multi-generation and multi-branch families. Two foundations will provide details on how they defined their customer segments, developed their portfolio of programs and services, worked with their board to set goals and success measures, refined their financial model for expanded services, engage advisors, and more. Their presentations will be based on NCFP’s Philanthropic Services Business Model Canvas and join… Read More

Community Foundation Spark Session: Money, Values, and Culture

Posted on January 11, 2019 by Bill Longbrake, Derek Longbrake, Ginni Galicinao, Robyn Schein, Tony Macklin

Please join us for this special joint NCFP Webinar and Community Foundation Spark Session, brought to you by the generous support of our Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network. Each of us has our own money story – the underlying assumptions, messages, hopes, and behaviors that we’ve learned over time about the meaning and use of money. Those stories are also… Read More

Family Stories and Interviewing Elders

Posted on January 10, 2019 by Bill Leighty, Debbie Brodsky, Kelly Medinger, David Weitnauer

Capturing and sharing your family’s history is critical to understanding and appreciating your philanthropy, providing a window into the rich heritage of your extended family. Elders in your family often have particularly interesting stories to tell, and can help family members of all ages feel more connected with the generations preceding them, and gain an even greater appreciation of their… Read More

Family Philanthropy Through Multiple Vehicles

Posted on January 8, 2019 by Wendy R. Ulaszek, Ph.D., Kelin E. Gersick, Ph.D.

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How can families with multi-faceted philanthropic efforts – those with multiple foundations or funds, who are also using impact investing and other creative strategies – develop governance systems and structures that accommodate this complexity? What processes are these “complex” families using to allocate available human capital to the various governance structures? What approaches are they using to address dilemmas of… Read More

NCFP’s Strategic Lifespan Peer Network Series

Posted on October 18, 2018 by Lois Mitchell

NCFP’s benchmark Trends in Family Philanthropy study found that 20% of the youngest family foundations have decided to operate with a limited lifespan, and more than 60% of all foundations are considering or have decided upon this option. Have you made this decision? Are you thinking about the implications and strategies for limiting the lifespan of your foundation?  Join this… Read More

Philanthropic Planning in Your Family Enterprise

Posted on October 15, 2018 by Wendy R. Ulaszek, Ph.D., Devin DeCiantis

While every family’s relationship to philanthropy is unique – based on entrepreneurial legacy, family values, cultural context, business performance and stakeholder expectations – the authors of this issue brief suggest that there are common lessons for all families who are contemplating a more strategic approach to engaging in these activities… Read More

Giving Fingerprints (Franks, 2018)

Posted on September 25, 2018 by Dawn Franks

You are as unique as the pattern of whorls and lines of your fingerprint. So is your giving style. Make your mark on the causes closest to your heart and maximize the impact of your gifts by discovering your distinctive, personal giving brand. I wrote this short book to give you a view of your giving habits. What does your… Read More

U.S. Trust Study of the Philanthropic Conversation (US TRUST-TPI, 2018)

Posted on August 30, 2018 by Bank of America Private Bank, The Philanthropic Initiative, US Trust Bank of America Private Wealth Management

Discussions between advisors and high net worth (HNW) clients about philanthropy are on the rise, finds the U.S. Trust Study of the Philanthropic Conversation, as clients report advisors to be a valuable source of information, second only to their spouse or partner. However, the study reveals several disconnects between advisors and their clients. For instance, many advisors underestimate their clients’ desire… Read More