Philanthropic Spend Down: A Retreat Sponsored by the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation (April 2020)

Posted on November 21, 2019 by Christopher G. Oechsli, Barbara Kibbe, Tony Proscio

In light of COVID-19, all attendees have been directly contacted and offered an abbreviated virtual program or to register for our October west coast retreat in California or to review other options with staff. A rescheduled date for this east coast retreat will be announced in late May. Additional support opportunities were also sent to attendees, on behalf of our… Read More

The Archives of U.S. Foundations: An Endangered Species

Posted on November 15, 2019 by John E. Craig Jr.

Using data collected on the 300 largest U.S. foundations through a survey commissioned by The Commonwealth Fund in fall 2012, this report discusses the status of archiving in the foundation sector and recommends ways to improve policies and practices in an area that is often overlooked… Read More

The Atlantic Philanthropies and Its Archives: Limited Life, Enduring Legacy

Posted on November 15, 2019 by Joanne Florino

In December 2016, The Atlantic Philanthropies made its final awards, becoming the largest limited life philanthropy to complete its grantmaking. The end of this aspect of its organizational life has been long-planned and purposeful – a fulfillment of donor Charles F. (“Chuck”) Feeney’s commitment to Giving While Living. Many of Atlantic’s final grants have been “big bets” designed to improve… Read More