The Experiences of a Foundation With a Limited Life: Benefits and Challenges (MAVA Foundation)

Posted on October 9, 2020 by Lynda Mansson

Drawing on reflections from the director general of the MAVA Foundation and learnings from foundations that have recently closed, this article also discusses how to prepare for the end date of a limited-life foundation. MAVA, a Swiss-based grantmaking foundation for 25 years, has a planned end date of 2022. The article features key lessons for foundations considering closure, and will… Read More

Community Foundations Network Topical Call: Holiday and Winter Family Meetings

Posted on October 5, 2020

How are you preparing for holiday and winter meetings with your donor families during this challenging and partisan moment? Donors are looking for guidance as they navigate uncertain times and a changing giving landscape. Join this safe, facilitated dialogue to talk with your peers about common strategies and important questions. Resources: Civil Conversations & Social Healing at The On Being… Read More

Values-based Leadership for the Future of Health: A Conversation with Barbara Bush and Global Health Corps

Posted on October 5, 2020 by Joanna Galaris, Barbara Bush, Sandra Isano, Heather Anderson

Join us in welcoming to our virtual stage Global Health Corps (GHC) Co-Founder and Board Chair Barbara Bush and CEO Heather Anderson. Barbara will share a brief history of her inspiration and initial vision for the organization, and then engage in a conversation with other panelists that illuminates GHC’s journey from launching as a small startup in 2009 to building… Read More

5 Myths of Traditional Philanthropy: A Response to Common Misperceptions About Trust-Based Principles

Posted on October 2, 2020 by Trust-Based Philanthropy Project

This guide outlines five common myths and misperceptions that come up in discussions about trust-based principles, and offers clear responses about what a trust-based approach is and isn’t. Use this guide to challenge traditional assumptions about philanthropy and offer new, clear perspectives into the conversation about what it means to take a trust-based approach… Read More

Trust-Based Philanthropy At-A-Glance

Posted on October 2, 2020 by Trust-Based Philanthropy Project

This 2-page overview provides the overarching context for trust-based philanthropy, descriptions and rationale for the six interrelated principles, recommended steps you can take, and the benefits you will see. This introductory primer will be most relevant to foundation leadership, trustees, and staff. It can be used as a general reference point, or for more in-depth discussion and reflection among colleagues… Read More

Core Values of a Splendid Legacy

Posted on September 22, 2020 by Sarah Cavanaugh

Values build and strengthen a legacy in families. This chapter from Splendid Legacy 2: The Guide to Creating and Re-creating Your Family Foundation shares ideas to get you started with your foundation’s values, or revisit the ones that you have now as part of your own family legacy… Read More

Balancing Purpose, Payout, and Permanence

Posted on August 30, 2020 by Council on Foundations, National Center for Family Philanthropy, Tony Macklin

How much should we spend? This is an essential question for foundations, and one of the most complex, particularly in moments of change or turmoil. This Strategy Guide invites you to reflect more deeply on how your foundation chooses to balance four factors—purpose, conditions and trends, time horizons, and assets for mission—especially in times of greater crisis or opportunity. It… Read More

Resiliency Guide

Posted on August 17, 2020 by S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation

This Guide is designed to help deepen thinking about where, when, and how to invest in capacity building, while also helping funders to explore the dimensions of resiliency and help their grantee organizations prepare for eventual independence from grant funding… Read More

Balancing Purpose, Payout, and Permanence

Posted on August 14, 2020 by Peter F. Bird, Jr., Liz Sak, George Suttles, Nicholas A. Tedesco, Tony Macklin

“How much should we spend?” It’s an essential question for all funders, and an especially complex one for endowed private foundations. The answer of “around 5%” was never universal as foundations sought creative means of ensuring that assets would serve mission rather than the other way around. In recent times, the pressure to revisit payout has increased. Endowed foundations have… Read More

Leading with Love and Gratitude: The David Rockefeller Fund at 30

Posted on August 4, 2020 by David Rockefeller Fund

The David Rockefeller Fund charts its history with a fascinating look into the evolution of the family and its philanthropy. The Fund’s history reflects the fact that change is inevitable and necessary, but must be rooted in the values and legacy of the family. The family’s recognition of this positions them for long-term success, encouraging them to remain flexible and… Read More