Sooner Rather Than Later, Chapter 2: 2014-2017

Posted on January 7, 2021 by S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation

In 2009, following five decades of Foundation growth and impact, the Board of Directors for this family philanthropy chose to spend down all assets. In the words of its founder, this decision reflected a commitment to finding lasting solutions to California’s critical challenges “sooner rather than later.” The spend-down horizon was initially set for eight years and then adjusted to… Read More

Sooner Rather Than Later, Chapter 1: 2009-2013

Posted on January 7, 2021 by S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation

In 2009, following five decades of Foundation growth and impact, the Board of Directors for this family philanthropy chose to spend down all assets. In the words of its founder, this decision reflected a commitment to finding lasting solutions to California’s critical challenges “sooner rather than later.” The spend-down horizon was initially set for eight years and then adjusted to… Read More

Sooner Rather Than Later, Prologue: 1957-2008

Posted on January 7, 2021 by S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation

In 2009, following five decades of Foundation growth and impact, the Board of Directors for this family philanthropy chose to spend down all assets. In the words of its founder, this decision reflected a commitment to finding lasting solutions to California’s critical challenges “sooner rather than later.” The spend-down horizon was initially set for eight years and then adjusted to… Read More

Engaging the Next Generation

Posted on December 8, 2020 by Cadence Miller, Allison Hale, Sharmila Rao Thakkar

young child and grandmother knitting - engaging the next generation
The promise of family philanthropy is fulfilled by its members—often across multiple generations, which can pose a challenge. Multigenerational families use a variety of techniques to engage the next generation in philanthropy. Successful participation depends on a number of considerations, including how to promote learning, empower next generation family members, and offer leadership positions. In this webinar, learn how to… Read More

Going Beyond the Private Foundation: An Exploration of Vehicles

Posted on December 7, 2020 by Mark Newhouse, Eric Stephenson, Sharon Schneider, Will Fitzpatrick

stacks of coins growing larger
The practice of family philanthropy is evolving and so too are the structures that social impact practitioners employ to accomplish their objectives. However, a number of questions remain on the minds of philanthropic families. What are the available vehicles that promote social impact? How do families leverage multiple vehicles successfully? What is the role of a private foundation in relation… Read More

Family Identity and Culture

Posted on December 7, 2020 by Phillip Wm. Fisher, Armando Castellano, Lisa Parker, Tony Macklin

father, son, and grandfather skipping stones - traditions, generations, family cutlure
Many philanthropic families have a strong sense of identity, defined by their traditions and culture and carried out through their commitments to one another and the public trust. A clear family identity is driven by a shared purpose and philosophy, which in turn promotes a successful collective giving effort. How do families understand their shared purpose and ensure it faithfully… Read More

Defining and Translating Motivations and Values

Posted on December 7, 2020 by Jaimie Mayer, Nicholas A. Tedesco, Katherine Lorenz

stack of blocks with arrows pointing upward - direction, mission, plan
Clearly defined motivations and values are the underpinning of an effective family philanthropy strategy—they articulate a purpose, provide direction, and serve as a measure of accountability. They are also a dynamic and ever-evolving tool to guide donors and their family through the lifecycle of their philanthropic effort. Yet many families engage in social impact strategies without intentionally identifying aims and… Read More

Community Foundations Network Topical Call: Improving and Re-Envisioning Donor Experience

Posted on December 3, 2020

binoculars, future, imagine
Have you re-envisioned your client experience? Gather with your peers to dive deeper into the recent Community Foundation Workshop presentation by Julie Littlechild, “How Client Engagement is Being Disrupted.” Building off of Julie’s workbook, we will discuss how to move from satisfaction to engagement. Prepare to better support your donors at each stage of their journey. If you missed the… Read More

Trends 2020: Foundation Identity

Posted on November 19, 2020

This excerpt from NCFP’s Trends 2020 study shares data and analysis regarding various US family foundation giving trends, focus of the foundation, family member dynamics, operational effectiveness, and much more. Size and Scope By conservative estimates, family foundations represent more than 60% of the approximately 90,000 grantmaking foundations in the country; there are more family foundations than all other forms combined in… Read More

Engaging Organizations and Developing Relationships With Their Leadership

Posted on October 20, 2020 by Stanford PACS

Best practices when it comes to interacting with potential and actual grantees including volunteering and board service. In many instances, you can conduct adequate due diligence on a nonprofit without ever communicating with the organization’s staff—using information from its website and from third parties. Also, in many cases—especially but not only with large national or international groups—you will feel satisfied… Read More