Rural Funders Peer Network: Workforce Development in Rural Communities

Posted on November 28, 2022 by Katie Hughes, Gretchen Schmidt, PhD, Dr. Ben Stafford, Erin Borla, Wynn Rosser

In rural communities, where populations are more dispersed and farther from major job centers, labor markets face different challenges than those in urban areas. Currently labor shortages in healthcare and education are particularly acute in rural areas. But investment in workforce development tailored to rural communities can significantly improve this situation. Join us for a conversation to learn about best… Read More

Rural Funders Peer Network: Rural Capacity Building–The Rural Partners Network

Posted on November 28, 2022 by Christine Sorensen, Lee A. Jones, Erin Borla, Wynn Rosser

The Rural Partners Network (RPN) is a government program where a number of federal agencies collaborate together with rural communities to find resources and funding to create jobs, build infrastructure, and support long-term economic stability. RPN has created community networks in several states to help federal agencies develop improved service delivery models, program processes, and funding priorities for the benefit… Read More

Rural Funders Peer Network Topical Call & Networking

Posted on April 26, 2022 by Erin Borla, Wynn Rosser

Join your peers to network and discuss topics of concern for philanthropic families who are place-based rural funders. As NCFP launches the Rural Funders Peer Network, we are pleased to offer this collaborative space for family funders working in rural areas to create connections and share strategies and stories with others across the country. This event will provide an opportunity… Read More

Rural Funders Peer Network: Rural Community Capacity Building

Posted on April 26, 2022 by Jerry Kenney, Emily R. Warren Armitano, Kathleen Flanagan

As funding flows into rural communities, the opportunity for these communities to access, deploy, and effectively manage these funds has risen as a pressing priority. The ability to assess community needs, design inclusive, ‘shovel-ready’ projects, and coordinate, write, and manage grant applications requires time, human capital, and resources that are hard to come by in overstretched rural communities. This discussion… Read More

Joint Non-family Staff and Engaging Youth Peer Network: Connecting Family Across Distance

Posted on March 18, 2020 by Jenny Kelly, Bruce Karmazin, Steve Toben

Please note: This Peer Network was originally scheduled for March 25, 2020 and has been rescheduled to June 17, 2020. If you registered for the March 25 event, you are still registered for this updated date and will be sent login information closer to the event.  For families that are spread across multiple locations, it takes effort to effectively engage… Read More

Pride of Place: Sustaining a Family’s Commitment to Community

Posted on March 14, 2019 by Virginia M. Esposito, Gilbert Miller, Kelly Chopus

What does it mean to have “pride of place”? How do giving families retain their commitment to the founding region or community where their philanthropic resources were first created? How can family foundations and funds accommodate increasingly disparate personal interests among those serving on the board while staying true to the original geographic focus of the donor family? These questions… Read More