Founders, donors, intent, and family legacy

What is my giving style? Two considerations: Visibility & Impact

Posted on December 22, 2012 by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

This guide identifies two (among many) considerations that shape a philanthropist’s giving style. The first is the degree of visibility a donor wants (or does not want): at one end of the spectrum is the anonymous giver, and on the other end is the public advocate. The second consideration is the level of impact the donor desires: at one end is the giver who is interested in providing immediate, direct relief, and at the other is the philanthropist committed to long-term social change… Read More

A Letter to Seniors (and will be seniors): Planning for Your Future in Philanthropy

Posted on September 13, 2011 by Alice Buhl

Their stories are fascinating reminders of the many philanthropic paths available, whatever your age. Their stories fall into four categories of approaches to how they planned their own as well as their family’s philanthropic futures: senior generation members who chose to stay actively involved in leading the family’s foundation. seniors who passed on leadership but stayed active in the foundation… Read More

Perpetuity is a Long Time

Posted on December 13, 2008 by Daniel Bader, Richard Moore

Most foundations are created in perpetuity, but a growing number are planning to sunset, most for family or program reasons. Some foundations feel strongly that they best serve society by continuing their work over the long haul. Some simply avoid discussing the issue… Read More

Shaping a Legacy Plan and Working with Your Advisors to Achieve It

Posted on May 15, 2008 by Tracy Gary

Families who think thoughtfully about what they want to achieve with their wealth - either through their foundation, their personal giving or both - and who communicate that clearly to their advisors, will have more success in seeing their legacy fulfilled. Unless you develop a plan and share your vision, your financial advisors may advise you to follow a conservative giving plan that doesn't take into account your capacity to give or desire to go beyond just preserving wealth… Read More