Engaging young adults and the next generation

Trends 2020: Family Dynamics and Next Generation Development

Posted on November 19, 2020

This excerpt from NCFP’s Trends 2020 study shares data and analysis regarding various US family foundation giving trends, including generation dynamics, strategies for engaging the next-gen, factors impacting family participation, and much more. Engaging The Next Generation The vast majority of family foundations have either specifically decided that they will exist in perpetuity, or seek to do so. With that decision comes… Read More

Engaging Youth Peer Network: Supporting Youth Givers Across Ages

Posted on October 14, 2020 by Marlene Corrado, Alexis Marion, Neil Gobioff

How do you support the youth within your family or your foundation as they learn and grow? Join three different foundations as they discuss supporting kids at all different stages. Our speakers, including a youth board member, will share their favorite tools and activities for kids by age. Hear real stories and examples of how these tools and activities have… Read More

Leading with Love and Gratitude: The David Rockefeller Fund at 30

Posted on August 4, 2020 by David Rockefeller Fund

The David Rockefeller Fund charts its history with a fascinating look into the evolution of the family and its philanthropy. The Fund’s history reflects the fact that change is inevitable and necessary, but must be rooted in the values and legacy of the family. The family’s recognition of this positions them for long-term success, encouraging them to remain flexible and… Read More

Engaging Youth Peer Network: Youth and Next-gen COVID-19 Giving

Posted on April 22, 2020 by Eesha Vettical, Allison Hale, Rebecca Riccio, David Weitnauer

Attendees at a Youth Philanthropy Connect event
Youth and next-gen givers are an integral part of our foundation’s futures, and many are interested in helping during the current crisis. COVID-19 provides a unique, albeit unfortunate, opportunity to engage youth in decisions around crisis response funds. Learn how peers are engaging youth in these decisions and values conversations, broaching delicate topics, and nurturing empathy… Read More

Planning a Family Retreat

Posted on December 19, 2019 by Shira Saperstein, Wynn Rosser, Angie Schlater, Carrie Avery, Jennie Zioncheck

Getting your family together for a retreat is a great way to spend quality time together, as well as focus on your family’s giving with the foundation. Families use a variety of resources to build community and discuss important topics in their philanthropy. In this webinar, you will hear how foundations have designed their retreats and meeting agendas, activities for… Read More

Family Philanthropy Case Study: Engaging Adult Children

Posted on September 11, 2019

This case study, for facilitated group discussion with your staff, describes the challenge a community foundation faced when attempting to authentically involve the adult children. The Philanthropic Initiative (TPI) developed it for community foundations in 2007… Read More

Transmitting Generosity to Daughters and Sons

Posted on April 17, 2019 by Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Women’s Philanthropy Institute

Women Give 2018 asks how parents transmit generosity to their children and whether this differs for sons and daughters. The study first explores the linkage between whether parents give to charitable organizations and whether their adult children give. It then examines frequency and amount of parental giving as well as the parents’ wealth level to assess how these factors relate to charitable giving by the adult children… Read More