Are Nieces and Nephews Considered Disqualified Persons?

Posted on December 11, 2014 by Andrew Schulz

Are nieces and nephews of board members, foundation founders, considered disqualified or are just the direct blood descendants disqualified? Nieces and nephews of board members are not considered to be disqualified persons; however, in the family foundation context, you also have to go back to who the substantial contributors were. For instance, your niece may be a direct bloodline of… Read More

If a Family Member is an Employee of a Non- Profit Funded by the Foundation, Does it Matter How Long the Person Has Worked There?

Posted on December 11, 2014 by Andrew Schulz

If a family member is an employee of a non-profit funded by the foundation, does it make any difference how long the person has worked there? No, it really doesn’t. The only issue is if it appears on its face that the only reason you’re writing the grant is so your son will get hired by the non-profit. That would have… Read More

Can a Foundation Fund a Non-Profit Where a Family Member is Employed?

Posted on December 11, 2014 by Andrew Schulz

Yes, as long as the grant isn’t earmarked for their compensation. However, consider an example where the total operating budget of the non-profit is $250,000, of which $100,000 is their compensation, and you provide a $200,000 grant. You’re really getting into an indirect self- dealing possibility where, as a matter of fact, you are paying their salary and it’s unavoidable… Read More

Twelve qualities of the good trustee

Posted on May 15, 2014 by John Nason

Determining the process for choosing trustees to act as stewards of your philanthropy’s assets is one of the most important decisions you must make.  The slideshow below will take you through the twelve qualities of a good trustee… Read More

Top trends in family philanthropy

Posted on May 15, 2014 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

What are the most important trends in family philanthropy? Where is the field headed, where has it been, and what will the new generation of family philanthropy leaders be concerned about when making decisions related to the management, governance, and grantmaking priorities of their organizations? … Read More

10 Things Every New Foundation Board Member Should Know

Posted on November 8, 2013 by Council on Foundations, BoardSource

This publication is designed as a basic guidebook for the new foundation board member, providing an introduction to tools and knowledge essential in the first years of service on the board. While it is not a substitute for legal, financial or other professional advice, it will help inform you about the responsibilities that accompany board service. This tool was developed… Read More