Toeing the Line: Legal Pitfalls in Family Foundation Governance

Posted on December 11, 2014 by Andrew Schulz

Should we accept those tickets to the opening of the new local theater that just arrived in the mail? Can our family office charge our foundation for rent? Is it o.k. for us to pay Uncle Bob to manage the foundation’s investment portfolio? Can we make a grant to our family's donor advised fund to help make year-end payout requirements? … Read More

Board officer roles and responsibilities

Posted on December 8, 2014 by Anonymous

Officers shall be elected or appointed annually by the Trustees; and each officer shall hold office for a term of one year or until a successor is elected and qualifies. There shall be no limit on the number of successive terms of office for which an officer may serve. Chair The Chair and Vice-Chair offices shall each be held by… Read More

A Colleague’s Perspective on Trustee Orientation

Posted on November 8, 2014

“Becoming a trustee of a family foundation can be a complex, confusing and confounding experience. Suddenly you are thrust into a room full of persons whom you thought you knew, but now they are all in different roles.” So begins the introduction to this first-person account of the value of a thoughtful and comprehensive trustee orientation program… Read More

The 2014 Trustee Education Institute: An intensive seminar for family foundation trustees

Posted on September 24, 2014 by Glen Galaich, Virginia M. Esposito, Susan Crites Price, Ami Aronson, Andrew Schulz, Kelly Sweeney McShane, Kristin Pauly, Leonor Alfonso, Maegan Scott, Mary Phillips

DOWNLOAD COMPLETE 2014 AGENDA HERE – SEE SPEAKER LIST AND BIOS BELOW NCFP’s Trustee Education Institute provides a comprehensive introduction to all of the key legal, investment, ethical, grantmaking, and family dynamics issues facing family foundation board members. Featuring a faculty made up of NCFP’s senior staff and highly respected philanthropy experts, this three day, intensive seminar will cover: What does… Read More

How shortcuts cut us short: Cognitive traps in philanthropic decision making

Posted on May 24, 2014 by Center for Evaluation Innovation, The MasterCard Foundation

Cognitive traps can hinder any decision a foundation makes about its strategies. This includes how to construct a theory of change to address it, and which grantees are best suited to do the work. It also includes decisions made during implementation, such as whether strategy adjustments are needed or whether to renew funding for certain activities or grantees… Read More

A Legacy Lives On: The Kaplan Family Foundation’s Successful Leadership Transition

Posted on December 18, 2013 by Dinaz Mansuri, Mollie Bunis

[Photo: Members of the next generation of the Kaplan family gather to discuss strategy.] Ask any family member and they are usually able to identify the current family leader. This is the person around whom everyone gathers; the person who takes responsibility for family networking, intervenes in family disputes, reminds others of the family’s history and generally serves as the… Read More

How should we choose trustees when there is a vacancy?

Posted on December 11, 2013 by Michael Rion

Apart from some minimal requirements of state law (e.g., mental competency), there are no legal mandates about the process of choosing trustees. In some cases, especially in small foundations with very few family members, succession may be directed in the by-laws and/or by custom so that, for example, direct descendants are “in line” as the successor trustees.  When trustees have… Read More