What is the appropriate role for non-family trustees and how are they selected? Should they be treated any differently from family trustees?

Posted on December 11, 2013 by Michael Rion

Non-family trustee positions should be clearly defined, regarding both criteria for filling the position and the length, renewability, etc., of terms. Although nothing prevents trustees from simply appointing their closest friends and advisors without regard to other criteria, ethical responsibility considerations would suggest some more objective criteria related to the mission and purpose of the foundation and the rationale for… Read More

Should we have non-family trustees?

Posted on December 11, 2013 by Michael Rion

There is no legal obligation to include non-family members as trustees. Experience in the field is widely varied. Many foundations include only family members who are blood relatives, and others include family members by marriage. Many others will have one “outside” trustee, typically an old family friend and/or someone with legal or accounting experience. Still others include as a matter… Read More

Can young people (under the age of 18) legally serve on our board?

Posted on June 20, 2013 by Youth on Board

“Three states have laws supporting youth board involvement – Michigan, Minnesota, and New York.  Forty states have laws that are silent on youth board involvement, meaning that the laws say nothing explicitly regulating or prohibiting involvement based on age.  Seven states prohibit youth board involvement – Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Utah.  Members of boards must be… Read More

Diverse Voices in Family Giving

Posted on April 12, 2012 by Deborah Santana, Judy Belk, Vic De Luca

What are the emerging trends in this area, and how can existing family philanthropies network with and promote increased and effective giving among a new generation of diverse donors and families? How can diverse donors learn from multi-generational family foundations, and vice versa? And how does the engagement of diverse voices enhance the field of family philanthropy, and the work of locally and regionally-focused family foundations and funds?… Read More

A Place at the Table: Non-Family Membership on the Family Foundation Board

Posted on March 17, 2012 by Dorna L. Allen, Joseph Foote

Family giving comes from a common cause, a shared vision, a particular need for giving back a portion of life’s gifts. Family members can focus on shared personal interests and can shape the architecture of their giving by expressing and validating shared family experience. Foundation board service can be the means by which family members find a new and worthwhile… Read More

Family Boards: Why Can’t We Just All Get Along?

Posted on May 14, 2009 by Judith K. Healey

Every family has occasional disagreements when they engage in grantmaking together. How do you handle such common dilemmas as: family members who disagree on grantmaking, discretionary dollars or payouts; members who act out at board meetings or don’t do their share; a leader that’s not willing to step down; individuals who carry their family baggage or branch differences into the board room?… Read More