Family philanthropy structures, leaders, and goals are constantly evolving, just like the families they represent. The change that comes over time is to be anticipated, managed, and, if possible, embraced as an opportunity for renewal. The inevitable changes and transitions that come to family giving programs are too often spoken of in negative terms. As relieved as we are to make it from one challenge to the next, change is not something to be simply weathered.

Leaders will leave, and new ones will emerge. Priorities will shift. Families will move. Stock values will rise and fall. It’s all to be expected. Change comes with the territory. How your family initiates, manages, and responds to that change will determine the course of your giving and reveal your true legacy.

In Times of Growth: Planning for an Influx of Assets

Posted on October 9, 2015 by Elaine Gast Fawcett

An influx of assets is a powerful transition point in your philanthropy. With rising resources comes the budding potential to do more of what you’re already doing—or, perhaps, try something new. This Passages Issue Brief will help you plan now for growth tomorrow, and manage change if you’re in the midst of it today… Read More

Planning for an Influx of Assets

Posted on September 10, 2015 by Tara Brown, Katherine Lorenz, Elaine Gast Fawcett

An influx of assets—whether sudden or expected—is a powerful transition point in your family’s philanthropy. With rising resources comes the budding potential to do more of what you’re already doing: making a difference according to your foundation’s mission. For family foundations—particularly those for whom the influx comes as a complete surprise—a change in asset size can feel downright disorienting. … Read More

Risk in Philanthropy: A Framework for Evaluation

Posted on June 29, 2015 by Open Road Alliance

To help both grantmakers and NGOs better identify, assess, mitigate, and plan for risk in their portfolios, Open Road Alliance offers this framework for evaluating risk. This brief framework is designed to provide grantmakers and NGOs with tools to conceptualize and describe risk and its implications within the scope of their philanthropic work… Read More

For Youth by Youth: Meeting with Your Peers- Tips for Collaboration

Posted on April 27, 2015 by Anna Bebermeyer, Sarina Dayal, Veeral Suthar

Sometimes it can be challenging to work with other groups, for example, with other committees or with adults. Learn skills to help facilitate meetings for effectiveness and make decisions as a team. After this session, you'll be better at facilitating meetings, using collaborative decision-making tools, and leading others. Collaboration can be fun and rewarding! … Read More

For Youth by Youth: the Art Versus Science of Grantmaking

Posted on April 14, 2015 by Ashley Rodriguez, Christine Reeves Strigaro, Danielle LaJoie, Jared Heddinger, Jillian Wu

Sculpture, music, dance… those are arts. Chemistry, biology, physics… those are sciences. But, what’s philanthropy? And who are you, the philanthropist? Well, you’re both an artist and a scientist. Plus, you’re a part the long history of giving; people have been giving for centuries, in every country, at every income level, and in so many directions. … Read More

For Youth by Youth: Family Foundations from a Youth Perspective

Posted on March 30, 2015 by Isabel Griffith, Justin McAuliffe, Kylie Semel, Mike Tracy

Giving with your family can be fun! Be inspired by the stories of a how a number of young people are involved in their family's philanthropy. Learn with your peers about how philanthropy can help you gain skills, get to know your family better, enhance your community, and benefit causes you care about to make the world a better place. … Read More