Strategic Lifespan Peer Network

Join this special peer group of family givers and those who support them. Many in this group have decided to operate with a limited lifespan. Others are thinking about the decision to spend down.

Funding from the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation and the Quixote Foundation was instrumental in creating this peer network. This network is open to all foundations that are in the process of, or considering, limiting the lifespan of their foundation.

Meet colleagues in this confidential, safe space while discussing tactics, strategies, and timely questions about limited lifespan foundations.

This peer network is open only to staff, board members and family members at family foundations who are spending down or considering spending down, philanthropic advisors who are currently staffing a family foundation that is spending down or considering spending down, or alumni (staff, board, family members) of a spend down foundation.

Join The Strategic Lifespan Peer Network

Chaired by:

Priscilla Enriquez, CEO, James B. McClatchy Foundation
Kate Ritter Repen, Executive Director, Ritter Family Foundation
Anne Marie Toccket, Executive Director, Posner Foundation of Pittsburgh

Questions? Email NCFP Program Director, Daria Teutonico at

See a list of past and upcoming conversations of this network.