Knowledge Center | Sample

Andrus youth service program application

July 27, 2015 | Andrus Family Fund
A sample application from a family foundation inviting next gen family members who are interested in participating in the family’s formal philanthropy program to share what excites and inspires them to give back to their community. Includes a sample cover letter explaining the overall goals of the youth service program. Read More
Events & Webinars | Webinars

For Youth by Youth: the Art Versus Science of Grantmaking

Sculpture, music, dance… those are arts. Chemistry, biology, physics… those are sciences. But, what’s philanthropy? And who are you, the philanthropist? Well, you’re both an artist and a scientist. Plus, you’re a part the long history of giving; people have been giving for centuries, in every country, at every income level, and in so many directions. Read More
Events & Webinars | Webinars

For Youth by Youth: Family Foundations from a Youth Perspective

Giving with your family can be fun! Be inspired by the stories of a how a number of young people are involved in their family's philanthropy. Learn with your peers about how philanthropy can help you gain skills, get to know your family better, enhance your community, and benefit causes you care about to make the world a better place. Read More
Blog | Featured Article

Generation Z giving: Philanthropy goes digital

March 25, 2015 | Susan Crites Price
Philanthropy for Generation Z–high school age and younger—is very different from that of previous generations. They won’t be confined to sharing their time, talent, and treasure. Now there’s a fourth T—ties. And along with their ability to connect with peers at home and around the world, they can do it wherever they are. No desk top computers for the “Always On” generation. With smart phones, these kids have the Internet in the palms of their hands—or screens in their jeans, as one wag put it. Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

The Next Generation Reinvigorates Philanthropy

May 28, 2014 | Mark Larimer
One of the most important trends people were talking about at the National Forum on Family Philanthropy was the engagement and involvement of youth (ages 8+) during the grantmaking process. In many ways, it represents the future of grantmaking and how the younger generation’s view of philanthropy will influence the entire charitable community. Read More
Knowledge Center | Passages Issue Briefs

Positive Tracks: A Story of Generation Next Philanthropy

February 15, 2014 | Gioia C. Perugini, Nini Meyer
[Photo: Youth gather at the beginning of a Postive Tracks fundraising race.] Much has been written about the “next generation” and its integration into family philanthropy. How will they get involved? Will their philanthropic initiatives look different from those of their parents and grandparents? What tools and resources can help them be most effective? Nini Meyer was raised in a Read More
Blog | Featured Article

Positive Tracks: A Story of Generation Next Philanthropy

January 15, 2014 | Nini Meyer, Gioia C. Perugini
Much has been written about the “next generation” and its integration into family philanthropy.  How will they get involved?  Will their philanthropic initiatives look different than those of their parents and grandparents?  What tools and resources can help them be most effective? Nini Meyer was raised in a family that held philanthropy as a core value.  From an early age, Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Philanthropy Meets the “Always On” Generation

October 15, 2013 | Susan Crites Price
Family and community foundations that want to engage youth in grantmaking need to adapt to  a new generation of kids, many of whom have already gone digital with their philanthropy. Dubbed the “Always On” Generation, today’s young people have discovered they can do good in the world without going through the usual channels of their counterparts even a decade ago. Read More
Knowledge Center | Report

Who, What, Why, Where and How? Youth Councils in Foundations

May 16, 2013
How do children learn what makes a good donation? How do children learn what can be done about child poverty? How do children learn about child labour in India? How do children become engaged citizens, donors, philanthropists? These were the questions that faced us at the start of a long dialogue between Children for a better World e.V. (CHILDREN) and Read More