Lexi Laginess

December 10, 2018
Lexi Laginess is an undergrad at Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) studying nonprofit management. Fun fact: she has been on the Steve Harvey show! She also loves to-do lists, greyhounds, youth philanthropy, and Oolong tea. Connect with her on LinkedIn. Read More

Katie Scott

November 27, 2018
Katie Scott was a Program Director at the National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP) from 2017-2023. In her role, Katie managed NCFP’s Peer Networks. She connected the NCFP community to resources, tools, and peers. She also supported and helped to design sessions and aspects of all signature NCFP workshops and training programs. Prior to this role, Katie has served the Read More

Lisa Parker

November 27, 2018
Lisa Parker brings 30 years of experience in philanthropy and nonprofit management to her work with philanthropic families. Since 1997 Lisa has been President and Executive Director of the Lawrence Welk Family Foundation, leading the Foundation’s initiatives to address poverty and seed the youth giving movement and creating youth philanthropy programs for the family’s 4th generation. In 2009 Lisa founded Read More

Ana Gonzalez

September 11, 2018
Ana became a philanthropist and grant maker when her great aunt and great uncle formed the Guadalupe and Lilia Martinez Foundation, a family foundation dedicated to helping nonprofits in the South Texas area. She is currently a board member, in charge of community relations, and youth philanthropy development for her family’s foundation. Ana graduated from Texas Christian University with a Read More
Blog | Ask NCFP

How do we work with our local community foundation to train young philanthropists?

Our family foundation would like to work with the local community foundation to set up a program that will help train younger philanthropists – both those in our family as well as other youth in the community. Do you have suggestions for models that others have used? Indeed we do! NCFP worked with Youth Philanthropy Connect, a former initiative of Read More