Blog | Ask NCFP

Does NCFP Recommend Any Special Holiday Gift Giving Guides for Family Philanthropy?

We would like to share tips and tools with our family and friends about giving and family philanthropy during the holidays. Can you recommend any good resources on this topic? The Hip Family’s Guide to Happier Holidays Lisa Parker of the Lawrence Welk Family Foundation says in her guide: “The single best piece of advice I received as a young Read More
Knowledge Center | Book Chapter

Jean and Betty Fairfax: An African-American Family’s Experiences in Faith and Philanthropy

October 21, 2002 | Lester A. Picker
This account from 'Faith and Family Philanthropy' describes the stories of sisters Betty and Jean Fairfax. Born and raised in modest circumstances in Cleveland, the Fairfaxes were steeped in strong family and religious values. Those values shaped their attitudes toward life, shattering the stereotypical notion of African-American philanthropy. Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Junior Board in Action: the Guadalupe and Lilia Martinez Foundation

NCFP just returned from Youth Philanthropy Connect's (YPC) annual conference where we presented on our 2015 Trends Study in Family Philanthropy study. One of the members of the YPC leadership team, Brendan Adams, is featured below. Brendan and his cousin Nadia make up the Junior Board at the Guadalupe and Lilia Martinez Foundation. Read More
Events & Webinars | Webinars

The Case for Multiple Giving Vehicles

There is a range of vehicles available to engage the whole family in philanthropy—each vehicle is a tool in your philanthropy toolbox that allows you to reach individual or collective goals through different approaches. Giving families are increasingly using a variety of vehicles in concert with one another to advance their social impact strategies. A single philanthropic family could use Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Passing the Torch: A Family Foundation Empowers Dozens of Young Philanthropists

November 14, 2022 | Ade Adeniji, Inside Philanthropy
Editor’s Note: This article is part of an ongoing series on the many forms of family philanthropy, in partnership with the National Center for Family Philanthropy, and produced by Inside Philanthropy’s editorial team. Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Newport Beach, California, Tarsadia Foundation supports nonprofit organizations that provide educational opportunities for the underserved, support health and wellbeing of the Read More
Blog | From NCFP

Takeaways Blog on Engaging the Next Generation

December 6, 2021 | Jen Crino
This blog summarizes key notes from our November Fundamentals of Family Philanthropy Webinar. Multigenerational families use varying, and often multiple, strategies to engage the next generation in philanthropy. Yet why it is important to engage subsequent generations in the family philanthropy, and how does it impact the culture and operations of the foundation? Successful next-gen participation depends on a number Read More

Cadence Miller

September 21, 2021
Cadence Miller is lucky to be a third generation Seattleite, with a deep appreciation for the forests and waters of the pacific northwest. Her professional experience has focused on fostering connections to community, place, health, and belonging with roles in national and local non-profits focused on health, social services, and youth. Cadence’s current role with Laird Norton Family Foundation as Read More

Jamie Semel

June 22, 2021
Jamie Semel is a Boston-based theater artist and educator. Jamie was a founding member of her family’s junior board at Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation. She led in many roles with a national movement supporting youth grantmakers at Youth Philanthropy Connect. She has also worked with grantmakers at Philanthropy Massachusetts on programming. She studied Theater Arts and Environmental Studies at Read More