Knowledge Center

The NCFP Guide for Effective Family Philanthropy

June 5, 2023
The NCFP Guide for Effective Family Philanthropy defines effectiveness in the context of family philanthropy and anchors it in four principles—accountability, equity, reflection and learning, and relationships. Through a series of reflection questions and practices families can interrogate their current practices and embrace changes that support more meaningful outcomes. Effectiveness is the culmination of many practices and it is a Read More
Knowledge Center | Video

The Principles of Effective Family Philanthropy: Accountability

 Effective family philanthropy makes a collective commitment to meaningful societal change. It holds itself accountable to impact as defined by community, and to the proven practices that support it. It is adaptive, evolving with the family and the community or ecosystem within which it operates. It shares or cedes power with different family members and generations, as well as Read More
Knowledge Center | Video

The Principles of Effective Family Philanthropy: Equity

 Effective family philanthropy makes a collective commitment to meaningful societal change. It holds itself accountable to impact as defined by community, and to the proven practices that support it. It is adaptive, evolving with the family and the community or ecosystem within which it operates. It shares or cedes power with different family members and generations, as well as Read More
Knowledge Center | Article

Effective Family Philanthropy: The Eisner Foundation

The Intergenerational Philanthropy of the Eisner Foundation If there were a Disney film about family philanthropy, it might open with a scene from Michael Eisner’s childhood. The L.A.-based philanthropist, former chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company and former head of Paramount Studios before that, grew up sitting in on conversations about family giving during Thanksgiving in Vermont. After Read More

Program Officer: East Central Illinois

May 26, 2023
The Program Officer will provide leadership to existing programs in ECI, and in developing new programs and activities. Existing programs are focused on climate health; conservation and soil health; community mental health; and rural development. Recently, the Foundation committed to making deeper investments in programs and initiatives that center racial equity and social justice. The Program Officer will lead that Read More

Deputy Vice President and Director of the Campaign for a Greater Boston

May 26, 2023
The Deputy Vice President and Director of the Campaign for A Greater Boston (Deputy Vice President and Director) will join a dynamic team of fundraising professionals to collaboratively lead the first multi-year, comprehensive campaign at the Boston Foundation, tentatively titled, “Campaign for a Greater Boston.” The campaign will run from at least 2024 up to 2030, the 400th anniversary of Read More
Knowledge Center | Article

Effective Family Philanthropy: The Compton Foundation

May 26, 2023 | Ade Adeniji
Here’s How a Longtime Family Foundation Fractured, and Shifted Gears for a Meaningful Final Act In 1894, Missouri native William H. Danforth founded what would become Ralston Purina Company as a balanced food production company for animals. The company revolutionized the feed business with the introduction of pelletized animal feeds. By the early 2000s, Ralston Purina had merged with Swiss Read More
Knowledge Center | Article

Effective Family Philanthropy: The Tarsadia Foundation

May 26, 2023 | Ade Adeniji
Passing the Torch: A Family Foundation Empowers Dozens of Young Philanthropists Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Newport Beach, California, Tarsadia Foundation supports nonprofit organizations that provide educational opportunities for the underserved, support health and wellbeing of the community, and help people find employment. It’s also one of a growing number of charities that aims to rethink how youth and Read More
Blog | Effective Family Philanthropy in Action

Aligning Legacy with Liberation: What if your family’s legacy was rooted in supporting liberation for all peoples?

May 24, 2023 | Will Cordery
“Your family’s legacy can in fact honor previous generations, their sacrifices and opportunities; as well as hold a necessary critique of the harm these opportunities may have caused for many others,” says author Will Cordery. Will and his team at Freedom Futures share their Aligning Legacy with Liberation™ framework and the belief that a family’s liberation is deeply attached to Read More


May 24, 2023
NCG seeks an equity-centered, systems change-oriented leader as Director for Policy and Movement to increase philanthropic investments and build power in communities most impacted by racial inequities. The position contributes to increased consciousness in the sector regarding the central role of community-based organizations in anchoring an effective democracy, while building connections between the philanthropic, government, and nonprofit sectors. The Director Read More