Dr. Jason Franklin

September 22, 2023
Dr. Jason Franklin is the Founder & Principal of Ktisis Capital through which serves as a strategic advisor to a mix of progressive individual donors, families, foundations and philanthropic collaboratives across the US and globally. After first getting involved in philanthropy as a 4th generation member of his family 25 years ago, he has been engaged in progressive philanthropy across Read More

Jonathan Brack

September 22, 2023
Jonathan Brack supports Fund for Shared Insight’s leadership team in engaging funders in adopting high-quality listening and feedback practices. For more than 20 years, he has worked at the intersection of youth development, education, and workforce development. He began his career as the founding director of an academic mentoring program, Berkeley Scholars. Later, Jonathan was part of the founding team Read More

Tonya Allen

September 22, 2023
Tonya Allen is a leader and a change agent with a passion for co-creating an equitable, sustainable world. In 2021, she became president of the McKnight Foundation, a Minnesota-based family foundation that advances a more just, creative, and abundant future where people and planet thrive. Tonya heads a majority women, majority people-of-color senior leadership team and a diverse team of Read More

Diego Zegarra

September 22, 2023
Diego Zegarra migrated from Peru in 2005 to attend the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah. His journey in the philanthropy sector began in 2009 when he managed education programs and directly worked with immigrant families and their children. With a focus on collaboration and community organizing, he works towards improving equitable outcomes for communities of Read More

Brittany Green Daniels

September 21, 2023
Brittany Green Daniels has served as the Green Family Foundation’s Grants and Operations Manager for the past three years. Prior to joining GFF, she was an Assistant District Attorney with the Delaware County District Attorney’s Office. Dedicated to helping others, Brittany joined her family’s foundation to deepen her connections to the community and help on a larger scale. Although fairly Read More

Program Officer – Education, Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation

September 20, 2023
We are seeking a dynamic, highly knowledgeable education professional who is passionate about the power of public education to be an instrument of racial equity, economic mobility, and individual and community transformation. The ideal candidate has a: 1) demonstrated commitment to education equity and racial justice; 2) five to ten+ years of professional experience in K-12 public education, in particular Read More

Brenda Solorzano

September 8, 2023
Change maker, believer in the power of community, driver of innovation and learning and always makes time for play. Brenda has spent her career working for good in the philanthropic world on issues related to health policy, the health care safety net and community health issues affecting vulnerable populations. She is a strategy, evaluation, program and grant making guru with Read More

Arturo Garcia

September 8, 2023
Arturo (Art) Garcia is a strategic learning and evaluation officer at The Kresge Foundation. Art supports the foundation’s program and practice teams by developing and refining strategies, fostering cross-team collaboration and drawing insights from data to advance equity. He joined the foundation in 2021. Previously, Art served as learning manager at First 5 Los Angeles, where he collaborated across the Read More

Sue Banerjee

September 8, 2023
Sue Banerjee is the Executive Director of PC Tots, a non-profit early education and childcare provider serving the residents and workforce of Summit County. She provides strategic and operational leadership for the execution and expansion of PC Tots’s mission of providing equitable access to high-quality care. She holds a juris doctorate from George Washington University and has worked for large Read More