Blog | Ask NCFP

How do we work with our local community foundation to train young philanthropists?

Our family foundation would like to work with the local community foundation to set up a program that will help train younger philanthropists – both those in our family as well as other youth in the community. Do you have suggestions for models that others have used? Indeed we do! NCFP worked with Youth Philanthropy Connect, a former initiative of Read More

Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network

November 16, 2017 | Jason Born, Katie Scott, Tony Macklin
NCFP’s Community Foundations Family Philanthropy Network supports the special roles community foundations play with philanthropic families as a trusted resource and partner. Included here is a complete collection of Spark Session webinar replays, issue briefs, and other resources that have been created as part of this network. Read More
Blog | Ask NCFP

How can family foundations and community foundations work most effectively together?

Are there good examples of family foundations working closely with the donor community, brought to the table via the community foundation, to strengthen philanthropic initiatives broadly? How can we partner with the community foundations in our state to know community goals and make more effective grants in those areas? Read More