Blog | Featured Article

#Family #Philanthropy and Social Media: a Conversation with @KateWolford, President of @McKnightFdn

August 15, 2013 | Kate Wolford
Thinking about entering the world of Twitter, but not sure whether it’s a good use of your time? Not sure what to tweet about, who to follow, or how to measure and maximize the value of your time spent on social media? In this month’s edition of Family Giving News, we’re delighted to share the perspectives of family philanthropy leader Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Fifteen Years of Advancing Family Philanthropy and a Look to the Future

We’re pleased to present a very special edition of Voices from the Field, featuring answers to questions posed to our July webinar presenters on the topic ”15 Years of Advancing Excellence in Family Philanthropy: Lessons Learned…and a Look Ahead.” The webinar featured all of our former board chairs with the exception of Curtis Meadows. Presenters included: Carrie Avery, president of Read More
Blog | Featured Article

Igniting the spark, part II: How do next gen boards work and how do we create one?

Part 2 of 2 The National Center for Family Philanthropy and Youth Philanthropy Connect, a program of the Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation, have teamed up on the release of our latest Passages Issue Brief entitled, “Igniting the Spark: Creating Effective Next Generation Boards.”  Giving families prepare their younger members for potential board service in a variety of ways, as Read More
Blog | From NCFP

Fifteen Years, Ten Trends: Then and Now

July 15, 2013 | Virginia M. Esposito
“Democracy does not give the people the most skillful government, but it produces what the ablest governments are frequently unable to create; namely, an all-pervading and restless activity, a superabundant force, and an energy which is inseparable from it and which may, however unfavorable circumstances may be, produce wonders.  These are the true advantages of democracy.” The above quotation, one Read More
Blog | Ask NCFP

Disaster Philanthropy: What is the role of family giving in preparedness, response and recovery?

We’re pleased to present a very special edition of Ask the Center, featuring answers to questions on disaster philanthropy from two of the presenters from our June 13th webinar on the topic of “Disaster Philanthropy: The Role of Family Giving in Preparedness, Response and Recovery.” Lori J. Bertman is president and CEO of the Baton Rouge-based Irene W. and C.B. Read More
Blog | Featured Article

Prize Philanthropy: Spurring Innovation and Awareness of New Solutions

May 15, 2013 | Rachel Szymanski
The recent Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences established by tech giants Yuri Milner, Sergey Brin, Anne Wojciciki, and Mark Zuckerburg has been awarded to 11 scientists doing innovative research. At $3 million for each scientist, these awards are more than twice the amount of each Nobel Prize. [Above photo: Dr. Jane Foley, Milken Educators, state, district and school officials, and Read More
Blog | Ask NCFP

How Do We Help the Leaders of Our Grantees Find the Peer Support They Need?

April 15, 2013 | Pierce Family Foundation
JJ Hanley faced a situation well known to nonprofit executives: the number of volunteers that wanted to help was outstripping the agency’s capacity to manage them.  Operating with a small staff, volunteers were key to the success of JJ’s List – which connects people with disabilities with community businesses and services – and her late-night brain-storms of one weren’t getting anywhere. Read More
Blog | Voices from the Field

Can a Small Organization Have a Big Impact?

April 15, 2013 | Emily Tow
I get asked this question often.  How can a small foundation with few staff really catalyze large scale social change?  In fact, how can a foundation of any size play this role?  At The Tow Foundation, we have attempted to play a significant role in juvenile justice reform, an issue that seems like an intractable problem and not easily tackled Read More
Blog | Featured Article

Don’t Reinvent the Wheel: The Power of Field Scans

April 15, 2013 | Christine Sherry
In days of scarce resources and seemingly endless philanthropic choices, family foundations and funds can frequently feel overwhelmed by options and unsure where to best place their philanthropic bets.  Many funders wisely choose a focus area for funding, and then proceed to investigate – or be approached by – any number of apparently worthy organizations to support within that field. Read More