Knowledge Center | Ask the Center

How Can I Help My Board Members Understand the Long- Term Nature of Impact Investing?

October 9, 2014 | Tomer Inbar, Tony Wells
Tomer Inbar: To start with a short anecdote, a client of mine and I were talking about their first program-related investment (PRI) that was going to go under. Although they had a successful program-related investment portfolio, she had to go to the investment committee where her PRIs were managed and tell them that they believed that this company was going Read More
Blog | From NCFP

Renewal: You and your giving

July 29, 2014 | Virginia M. Esposito
Renewal is critical. It reenergizes your commitment and revitalizes your sense of purpose. It can help you see a new solution for an old situation. The same is true for revitalizing your foundation or fund. Here are a few tips for planning your philanthropic renewal – from the simple strategy to a more comprehensive process. Read More