Events & Webinars | Webinars

For Youth by Youth: Family Foundations from a Youth Perspective

Giving with your family can be fun! Be inspired by the stories of a how a number of young people are involved in their family's philanthropy. Learn with your peers about how philanthropy can help you gain skills, get to know your family better, enhance your community, and benefit causes you care about to make the world a better place. Read More
Blog | Featured Article

Generation Z giving: Philanthropy goes digital

March 25, 2015 | Susan Crites Price
Philanthropy for Generation Z–high school age and younger—is very different from that of previous generations. They won’t be confined to sharing their time, talent, and treasure. Now there’s a fourth T—ties. And along with their ability to connect with peers at home and around the world, they can do it wherever they are. No desk top computers for the “Always On” generation. With smart phones, these kids have the Internet in the palms of their hands—or screens in their jeans, as one wag put it. Read More
Knowledge Center | Sample

Mission and Values (Tarsadia Foundation)

March 19, 2015
Mission The Tarsadia Foundation supports non-profit organizations with programs and projects that provide educational opportunities for the underserved, support health and well-being of the community, and help to employ the employable through economic empowerment. Values Thrive: Programs, services and institutions can profoundly impact and improve people’s lives and prosper, as long as all involved are fully engaged. Aspire: We believe Read More
Blog | Ask NCFP

Do You Have Event Ideas for Foundations and Nonprofits to Network with One Another?

This month we are delighted to feature a question recently prompted by a Friend of the National Center for Family Philanthropy. We decided to take this question to our LinkedIn Family Philanthropy Network. If you are interested in a great additional support system for your family philanthropy, we suggest you join our LinkedIn network! Read More
Knowledge Center | Book Chapter

Family Values, Family Philanthropy

February 20, 2015 | Virginia M. Esposito
How families inspire and shape values—particularly the value of giving— and how those are passed from one generation to another, are critical elements in ensuring a healthy charitable future. Read More