Hawaii Community Foundation

March 17, 2019
As a trusted community leader, the Hawaii Community Foundation partners with and convenes experts, donors, and nonprofits to raise the level and the effectiveness of philanthropy in Hawaii. Read More

Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga

March 17, 2019
The mission of the Community Foundation is to encourage giving and inspire action to improve lives in the Chattanooga area. The Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga is a trusted community partner, serving at the intersection between ideas and action, needs and resources, donors and nonprofits. Read More

Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation

March 17, 2019
The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation improves the quality of life for all by promoting charitable giving, connecting donors to the causes they care about, strengthening nonprofits through grants and support, and providing leadership on community issues that involve charitable giving. Read More

Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area

March 17, 2019
The Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area seeks to ensure that their community thrives today, tomorrow, and forever by building their Community’s Endowment to support high impact charitable projects, helping donors achieve their charitable goals, and leading and partnering in community-level initiatives. Read More

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

March 17, 2019
Silicon Valley Community Foundation advances innovative philanthropic solutions to challenging problems, engaging donors to make our region and world a better place for all. Silicon Valley Community Foundation is a comprehensive center of philanthropy. Through visionary leadership, strategic grantmaking and world-class experiences, we partner with donors to strengthen the common good locally and throughout the world.   Read More

The Oregon Community Foundation

March 17, 2019
The mission of The Oregon Community Foundation is to improve the lives of all Oregonians through the power of philanthropy. We work with individuals, families, businesses and organizations to create charitable funds — more than 2,000 of them — that support the community causes they care about. Read More