Blog | Voices from the Field

The Power of Investing in Volunteer Engagement

June 26, 2017
As funders, we pay great attention to how potential grantees steward their financial resources, but do we pay equal attention to how they lead and manage their human resources? Volunteers are a vastly underutilized, yet virtually unlimited renewable resource. The need is urgent, the timing is critical, and the support is necessary. Read More
Knowledge Center | Article

A Tribute to Ike Leighty

“Starting a family foundation is like catching a porcupine.  First you throw a wash tub over it, and that gives you something to sit on while you figure out what to do next!” Those were the words of the late great Herman “Ike” Leighty. Essentially what Ike meant was that there is no one clear path to success in philanthropy. Read More
Knowledge Center | Ask the Center

What is the role of the foundation’s president?

The president is responsible for establishing an efficient and effective infrastructure that enables seamless execution of grantmaking functions and heightens professionalism of the foundation’s operations. The role can be broken down into 5 core responsibilities: Leadership for the foundation’s grantmaking– The president is responsible for focusing on the issues that the trustee’s feel are of great importance. He/she is also Read More
Knowledge Center | Ask the Center

What is a private operating foundation, and should we consider using this option?

June 14, 2017 | Jason Born
The IRS distinguishes between public and private foundations and, within private foundations, between operating and non-operating (grant-making) foundations. While private operating foundations may choose to make some grants to other charitable organizations, they must engage primarily in direct charitable activities by running their own programs (i.e., using their own facilities, staff and resources to directly further their charitable operations). Read More