The Schustermans: A Jewish Family’s Expressions of Faith and Philanthropy

Posted on October 21, 2002 by Lynn Schusterman

This personal account from ‘Faith and Family Philanthropy’ describes the fascinating journey that the author and her husband took in discovering their own faith while rediscovering their family roots and Hebric religious traditions. ‘Jewish law dictates that if there is a choice between assisting members of your family and helping citizens of your town, your family takes precedence. The priority… Read More

Dr. Mohammed Murtaza Arain: A Muslim Family’s Expressions of Faith and Philanthropy

Posted on October 21, 2002 by Lester A. Picker

This case study from ‘Faith and Family Philanthropy’ describes the of Mohammed Murtaza Arain, M.D., a well-respected Chicago surgeon. For Dr. Arain and his family, it all begins and ends with the Qur’an. Whether welcoming the new day or making decisions about his personal philanthropy, the Holy Qur’an provides a roadmap that guides their life and actions. ***** Righteousness does… Read More

Opportunity of a Lifetime: Young Adults in Family Philanthropy

Posted on October 4, 2002 by Alison D. Goldberg

This Passages Issue Brief addresses one of the most important opportunities in family philanthropy – encouraging young adults to take part in the family’s giving process and to become philanthropic in their own right. What are the reasons that families involve young adults? And what can young adults themselves do to become more connected to the family’s philanthropy?… Read More

Difficult Discussions at Difficult Times

Posted on March 4, 2002 by Deanne Stone

This Passages Issue Brief offers suggestions for preparing for and responding to the effect of crises of different magnitude on philanthropic families. These include personal crises such as death, illness, and interpersonal conflicts, as well as community and national crises — including natural disasters, riots, economic recession, and terrorism… Read More

Discretionary Grants: Encouraging Participation… or Dividing Families?

Posted on August 5, 2001 by Jason Born

The practice of discretionary grantmaking brings out a wide variety of responses. This Passages Issue Brief looks at the common reasons that families use or opt not to use discretionary grants, and the typical process that is used to make these types of grants. The paper also examines how different approaches to discretionary grants can support or hinder the work… Read More

Board Compensation: Reasonable and Necessary?

Posted on April 5, 2001 by Jason Born

Deciding whether to compensate or reimburse family foundation board members can be a difficult and complex decision. This Passages Issue Brief provides guidance on the legal regulations regarding compensation, suggestions for how to initiate a conversation among your board members about whether or not compensation is appropriate, and suggestions for how to develop a written policy based on this conversation… Read More

A Muslim family’s experience

Posted on February 20, 2001 by Lester A. Picker

For Mohammed Murtaza Arain, M.D., a well-respected Chicago surgeon, it all begins and ends with the Qur’an. Whether welcoming the new day or making decisions about his personal philanthropy, the Holy Qur’an provides a roadmap that guides his life and actions… Read More