Qualities of a Good Trustee

Posted on July 15, 2011 by Virginia M. Esposito

Ginny Esposito
“As I see it, there is no other way that as few people can raise the quality of the whole American society as far and as fast as can trustees and directors of our voluntary institutions, using the strength they now have in the positions they now hold.” ~ Robert K. Greenleaf Recently, I had a wonderful opportunity to spend… Read More

Attracting the Right Grantseekers… and Keeping Them from Drowning in Paperwork

Posted on June 15, 2011 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

How do we put together guidelines that attract the right grantseekers… and that are respectful of their time and resources? Many family foundations have written the National Center over the past 15 years asking for guidance on how to create grantmaking guidelines that attract the right grantseekers and that do not place undue burden on the applicants (or the foundation… Read More

Family Giving and Fairness: 8 Lessons Learned

Posted on June 15, 2011 by Virginia M. Esposito

Many of the philanthropic families who call on me for help in doing their best possible work in the best possible way invariably reach a point where they say they want a system that is fair to the family. Most start by wanting family fairness as a means to doing good grantmaking. However, over time, the goal of family fairness… Read More
Featured Article

What Makes a Family Foundation CEO an Effective Leader: Insights from William M. Dietel

Posted on June 15, 2011 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

Editor’s Note: This is the second in a series of reports on NCFP’s Leadership Symposium for Family Foundation CEOs held March 23-24 in Washington, DC. The unique role of the family foundation chief executive often involves a very complex relationship in which the CEO serves the public good and the foundation’s mission, and at the same time, helps a private… Read More

Keeping “Control”

Posted on May 15, 2011 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

Our foundation has begun discussions to add nonfamily trustees to enhance and complement the skills and perspectives currently on our all-family board. How do we ensure that the family will not lose “control” of the foundation over time? There are a variety of strategies that family foundations around the country have used to retain control while engaging non-family board members… Read More

Renewing Your Commitment

Posted on May 15, 2011 by Virginia M. Esposito

The process of emerging from a long, gray winter is a cause for celebration. Extra sunlight and the reintroduction of the stunning colors of nature are also extraordinarily energizing. I suppose that is why some take to spring cleaning. Since I am rarely inspired to clean, I personally prefer to take the energy and the inspiration to renew the vibrancy… Read More

Measuring What Counts: Meaningful Evaluation for Family Foundations

Posted on April 4, 2011 by Anne Mackinnon

Family foundations are in business to make a difference. As one family foundation leader put it, creating a family foundation is a “powerful statement about wanting to achieve impact.” Yet family foundations often get painted unfairly as not having impact, perhaps because they aren’t always very good at understanding or describing the impact they have, even to themselves… Read More

Donor Legacy Statements, Values Statements, and Ethical Wills

Posted on March 15, 2011 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

I work for a small family foundation as their non-family executive director. The foundation has been in existence for 25 years. In the near term, I will be sitting down with the founder, who is preparing to write his legacy. I am wondering if you’re familiar with other founders who have shared excerpts concerning their vision for philanthropy that you thought to be… Read More
Featured Article

CEO Transitions in Family Foundations

Posted on December 15, 2010 by Alice Buhl

Among the most important tasks that any board confronts is the choice of head staff person. If anything, this decision has even greater significance in family foundations. Whether the position is vacant because of the retirement of a beloved CEO or the departure of a problematic one, CEO transitions in family foundations typically have three major stages: clarifying the foundation… Read More

Tips and tools for effective family board meetings

Posted on October 15, 2010 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

This month’s Ask the Center features tips and tools for effective family board meetings from Marla Bobowick, former Vice President at BoardSource and founder of Bobowick Consulting, and Karie Brown, principal of KB Consulting and Board member of the Hidden Leaf Foundation. Marla and Karie were the featured speakers on the August 2010 Family Philanthropy Teleconference, Creative Agendas for More… Read More