Featured Article

Generation Z giving: Philanthropy goes digital

Posted on March 25, 2015 by Susan Crites Price

Philanthropy for Generation Z–high school age and younger—is very different from that of previous generations. They won’t be confined to sharing their time, talent, and treasure. Now there’s a fourth T—ties. And along with their ability to connect with peers at home and around the world, they can do it wherever they are. No desk top computers for the “Always On” generation. With smart phones, these kids have the Internet in the palms of their hands—or screens in their jeans, as one wag put it… Read More
Voices from the Field

Family-Ness: a Clunky Word That Says it All

Posted on March 25, 2015 by Phillip Henderson

At our most recent board meeting, we continued our examination of potential changes to the way we invest our endowment, we discussed some important modifications to the role of the board in our grantmaking process, and we breathed new life into a conversation between Surdna and the Andrus Family Fund, a grantmaking fund we created just over 15 years ago. … Read More

Having new eyes: Transitions in family philanthropy

Posted on February 25, 2015 by Virginia M. Esposito

For more than two years, I have been researching, interviewing, and thinking about transitions in the life of a family philanthropy. I’ve listened to anyone willing to talk to me about their experiences with philanthropic transitions. I have learned a great deal about the nature of each transition. Similarly, I’ve learned how families navigated these transitions more, and sometimes less, effectively. … Read More