A Steadying Hand: The Critical Role of Non-family Board Members

Posted on October 16, 2015 by Susan Packard Orr

This special Passages Issue Brief written by NCFP Distinguished Fellow Susan Packard Orr describes the various skills, expertise, and perspectives that non-family board members can provide, as well as some of the common challenges for families seeking to add their first non-family board members, and tips for how to set clear expectations for this role… Read More

In Times of Growth: Planning for an Influx of Assets

Posted on October 9, 2015 by Elaine Gast Fawcett

An influx of assets is a powerful transition point in your philanthropy. With rising resources comes the budding potential to do more of what you’re already doing—or, perhaps, try something new. This Passages Issue Brief will help you plan now for growth tomorrow, and manage change if you’re in the midst of it today… Read More

Grace, Gratitude and Generosity

Posted on September 25, 2015 by Virginia M. Esposito

Ginny Esposito
One of my favorite NCFP publication titles, Grace, Gratitude and Generosity, was used for our Faith and Family Philanthropy journal more than a dozen years ago. When we used it, inspired by one of the Journal’s authors, I felt it had meaning far beyond that one publication; I still do today… Read More
Featured Article

Can’t Not Do: The Social Drive That Changes the World

Posted on September 25, 2015 by Paul Shoemaker

I can’t not do this. It’s not that I can do this, it’s that I can’t not. I don’t have time to not make an impact. I could not imagine not..." I don’t remember the first time I heard someone use one of these grammatically incorrect phrases. But I hear these statements consistently, to this day, from educated and literate people. I know you have heard of “can-do” people, they are eager and willing, we admire them and hope our children become like them when they grow up. But the regular heroes you will meet in this book go way beyond can-do, they can’t not do. … Read More
Voices from the Field

Leveraging Social Sector Leadership: Opportunities for Family Philanthropy

Posted on September 24, 2015 by Lori Bartczak, Nora Silver

While the connection between strong leadership and effective organizations may seem obvious, navigating the variety of ways grantmakers can support leadership can seem overwhelming. In GEO’s recent publication, Leveraging Social Sector Leadership, the authors present research that lifts up what social sector leaders say they need to be successful and how grantmakers can support those needs. … Read More
Voices from the Field

Expanding Your Comfort Zone: Managing Risk

Posted on September 24, 2015 by John Bare

As I sit here writing about risk, the date at the bottom of my laptop screen – September 11 – is a jarring reminder that risk analysis is both futile and indispensable. It’s futile if we use risk analysis to predict the future. Or come to believe that the act of reflection itself inoculates us against harm. … Read More