Voices from the Field

Giving Circles: a Tool for Engaging Youth in Giving

Posted on April 29, 2016 by Huong Nguyen- Yap

We often hear that young people are the leaders of tomorrow. But what if we started to think about them to be leaders today? What does that mean and how would it look? Philanthropy gives us an opportunity to work with youth on developing life skills such as decision-making, collaboration and, more importantly, empowering youth as leaders in their communities. … Read More
Voices from the Field

The Noyce Foundation: Ten Core Principles for Hands-on Philanthropy

Posted on April 1, 2016 by The Noyce Foundation

The Noyce Foundation was established in 1990 by the family of the late Dr. Robert N. Noyce, co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, and co-inventor of the integrated circuit, better known as the microchip. Over its lifetime, their approach to grant making evolved reflecting what the trustees have learned from their experiences and institutional knowledge. … Read More