Voices from the Field

The Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation Signed the Divest Invest Pledge: Here’s Why

Posted on October 10, 2016 by Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation

Recognizing the disproportionate impacts of climate change on low-wealth people and communities of color in the United States and around the globe, we signed the Divest Invest pledge, a global movement calling for investors "to divest from the fossil fuel industries deepening the climate crisis and invest instead in climate solutions." … Read More
Featured Article

It’s Time for Grantmakers to Embrace Failure

Posted on October 5, 2016 by Katherine Lorenz

Philanthropy often encourages grantees to take risks, to be innovative, to find new solutions to old problems. Indeed, many refer to philanthropy as “risk capital,” providing funding that can help society create innovative, new models for addressing the world’s most intractable social issues. But risk and innovation often bring an uncomfortable consequence: failure… Read More
Voices from the Field

What Funders Can Learn from Beyoncé

Posted on September 26, 2016 by Edgar Villanueva

Let’s start listening to (seeking first to understand) our grantees, before responding with answers and solutions. Let’s facilitate the solutions of a problem by asking questions such as, “What are the outcomes you/we want from this situation?” “What support do you need from me?” “How can you hold me, as the funder, accountable?”… Read More