Voices from the Field

Adaptive Leadership as a Reflective Practice

Posted on October 10, 2017 by Caroline Williamson, Jan Jaffe

I wanted to explore whether philanthropy practitioners have used adaptive leadership as a form of reflective practice. The B. Robert Williamson Jr. Foundation funds these programs and I wanted to learn how this foundation came to support a form of reflective practice as capacity building. That’s how I began my conversation with the foundation’s Executive Director, Caroline Williamson… Read More
Voices from the Field

Resolution & Transformation: Hate Has No Place in Our Work

Posted on October 4, 2017 by Robins Foundation

At Robins Foundation, our board and staff aspires to connect equity with transformational change for children and families across our region. We are reflecting on opportunities in our own organization. This includes our governance, our management and our process of funding. This includes raising our awareness and deeper understanding of the past and its influence on dialogues locally and beyond. … Read More

7 Tips for Reaching the Next Generation to Give

Posted on September 29, 2017 by National Center for Family Philanthropy

Every family that is involved in philanthropy hopes to raise children who are generous, not kids who grow up with a sense of entitlement. Regardless of whether you want them to carry on the family’s philanthropy someday, you still want to raise them to be caring adults who will have fulfilling lives with a sense of purpose. Here are seven ways you can help coach your children or grandchildren on how to be generous… Read More
Featured Article

Nurturing Relationships with Transparency

Posted on September 28, 2017 by Richard Russell, Richard Woo

Transparency is a powerful force when used appropriately. The trick is deciding what is “appropriate” across a wide range of contacts and interactions. In our prior blog posts, we shared our experience cultivating transparency through the lens of finding balance and sharing knowledge. This time around, we want to concentrate on ways to harness transparency for mutual benefit… Read More