Voices from the Field

Grantee Inspired Giving: the Case for Unorthodox Philanthropy

Posted on February 12, 2018

NCFP’s 2015 Trends study found that more than 90% of respondents cited the “impact of their giving” as a top motivation for participation in family philanthropy. Clearly, funders want to know that the resources they provide are addressing the issues they support. However, accurately assessing the impact of your philanthropic capital can be difficult… Read More
Voices from the Field

Efficient Assumptions

Posted on February 5, 2018 by Lenore Hanisch

In this piece, Lenore Hanisch explores how the assumptions we make about wealth, race, gender, and family can inhibit our ability to do the work we set out to do, including connecting with others who share our vision of resourcing positive change… Read More

The Giving Journey: Guiding New Donors to Actualized Philanthropy

Posted on February 2, 2018 by Open Impact

What motivates newly wealthy individuals and families to give? What barriers do they face in their giving? And how can we help these donors give more, more intentionally and effectively? In the report, “The Giving Journey: Guiding New Donors to Actualized Philanthropy,” we examine these questions critical to understanding and amplifying individual giving. The report is based on conversations with… Read More
Voices from the Field

Standing Together: Exciting Ways Family Philanthropy Can Come Together in 2018

Posted on January 30, 2018 by Katherine Lorenz

2017 was a challenging and frustrating year for many of us who work in family philanthropy. The nation’s political climate—characterized by intense partisan polarization and accompanied by a parade of troublesome public policy changes—has undone years of hard work and placed new burdens on the nonprofits we support and the communities we serve… Read More
Featured Article

The Lasting Value of Transparency

Posted on January 25, 2018 by Richard Russell, Richard Woo

Transparency enhances our ability to learn, to lead, to reach consensus, and even agree to disagree. That’s because adopting a mindset of transparency encourages deeper participation and helps us stay focused on our mission. As a result, we tend to be more successful and satisfied working together because we know more about what’s going on… Read More